Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tornadic Storms in Tulsa Area. We are ok. **EDITED**

There is a little town west of Tulsa called Sand Springs.  It is not where we live, but I wanted to mention it because they have had a tornado go through and there is a lot of damage.  Injuries, but not major.  No deaths, but there are still a lot of people who have lost homes.  Please pray for them, as well as for the emergency workers who are trying to help them.

It's been a rough evening.  We were in the firing line for the thunderstorms that sprouted the tornados (there have been a few) but the tornados themselves went north and northeast of us.  The north track took them over into the areas east of Tulsa and there are still people who are in the track of at least one tornado.  It's 7:02 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 as I type this.

We are now getting the thunderstorms but the tornadic chances are just about gone, at least for us.

But other parts of the state are in danger, specifically the Moore/Oklahoma City area.

Please pray.

(EDIT:  There was one death in Sand Springs after all)

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