Friday, November 05, 2010

First Friday in November

I can't think of anything else to use as a title.  It's Friday, it's November and it's the first Friday in November.  So, it works.

We finally turned the heater on last night.  I would have turned it on a few nights ago, but I had to convince Bill.  Among other things, I set up one of the humidifiers because I'm constantly shocking myself.  The one in the bedroom.  I'm not sure where we're going to put the one in the living room, the spot where we always put it is where the library shelf is and I really don't want to put that much water in the air next to the books!  I also switched the quilts.  I put my pretty quilt in the chest with the blankets and put Bill's camo quilt on the bed.  And we're probably getting firewood delivered Sunday or Monday, more or less.  But not by Bubba & Bubba this year, we weren't overly impressed with the quality of wood we got from them last year.

I guess that means that it's getting colder and winter is on the way.

Well, at least we'll be able to make (real) 'smores again soon!  They just aren't same when they are made in the microwave.  They still taste good, they just aren't the same.  Some things just need to be made the right way and 'smores are one of them.

One other sign that Fall is here and Winter is coming:  I have winter skin!  I hate it, it interferes with my crochet but I deal with it.  Because I don't have a choice.  I have already gotten my latex gloves where I can reach them and I've been pouring on lotion.  At the moment, my right thumb is split at the right side of the nail.  Which I discovered when I bumped it on something and then realized that it was bleeding.  It's not fun.  But it won't stop me from crocheting.  I'm probably going to start my afghan tomorrow.  I still have to finish the pillows, all I have to do now is attach the crochet pieces to the pillows but I haven't had time this week.

I'm also going to get the quilt finished.  The one I started for Otter about 13 years ago.  I think it's time.


Anonymous said...

I have a quilt i started over 28 years ago. It is on my to be finished this year list, but it looks like it will be next year.

Otter Mom said...

Well, I didn't get any crochet done at all. I did get 3 of the 4 pillow covers attached and am working on the 4th one. The quilt didn't get touched at all, the pillows were my first priority. I'm possibly going to get to the quilt tomorrow (Sunday), but it depends on when the firewood we've ordered is delivered. And on Otter's plans, since she has to help with the quilt as it's for her!