Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday's Frankenpuppy Update

And other stuff.

Maggie Moo is doing pretty good.  We had a hard time keeping Frasier from "helping" her head to heal, he's still trying to lick at the spot but not as often.  Maggie sometimes acts like the place is bothering her, she'll come up to us and look sad and we think it's probably itching as it heals.  Otter took a damp washcloth to the area around the incision a couple of times today and she said that it seemed to help, Maggie was happier after that.  Not on the incision, just around it.  The dog is still bald but her fur is beginning to grow back.  Otter had the day off from school today, so she kept an eye on BigStink aka Frasier and sidetracked him when he started to groom Maggie's head.

It's been raining off and on today.  At times, it's been a heavy rain but it never lasts long.  We need the rain badly, so I'm not complaining.

This week has been crazy and next week looks to be just as busy.  I'm hoping to get some crochet time in there somewhere, I haven't had time to even attempt the second row on my afghan.  Maybe tomorrow.  I also have another pillow project, I want to make another throw pillow to put in the bedroom.  I was out of camo yarn so I got it and also a pillow form.  I learned a new stitch pattern that I want to use on it.  I tried it out and it is fun.  I'm always looking for new stitches and ways to use them.  I also have not had a lot of time to read lately.

One benefit of the rain is that it will be easier to plant the tulips.  I had planned on clearing the bed off, then treating the ground and planting a few days later.  But I'm thinking that Sunday after church we'll just get it all done at once.  I'll still treat the ground, but it may be after the bulbs are planted and then possibly a couple of days later as well.

I still have two bluebonnets.  They are doing pretty good.  I took one to work for my Texan boss and he was very happy.  But then he did what he usually does - which is drown any plant within sight!  If my two actually make it to the blooming stage, I'll take one of them in for him.  Because it won't matter then.  But it will be a while before that happens.  Also, I use water from the rain barrel to water my plants and they do better with that.

I guess that's it for today.  I'm suddenly starving.  Buffalo burgers are on the menu tonight, and possibly mac & cheese.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad Maggie is doing good. Froggy