Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Tulips

It's done!  The tulip bed is planted.  We had originally planned on doing it in stages, bed prep one day then plant in a few days.  But we changed our minds and did it all in one day.  There are a bunch of tulip bulbs, Otter likes assorted colors and they are not planted in any particular order.  They are just tossed about the bed, and then planted wherever they land.  She mixed the bulbs up first, for color variety.

Now we don't have to do anything until Spring.  And then we just have to admire the blooms.  We might treat the bed again in a few days, just as a precaution because we have had a lot more moles and gophers lately.

I'm pretty much decided against planting mums in the whiskey barrel.  I think I've mentioned that before.  I realized that I have some bluebonnet seeds I bought last summer when I was in SA and now is the time to plant them.  I'll have to get to that pretty soon.  Then, maybe, I'll have bluebonnets come up at the right time!

It was pretty windy yesterday, which was fine because we were pretty much parked on the couch all day.  I crocheted, of course.  I got a couple of rows put on the blanket I'm making for Bill, we spread it out on the bed and it's just about there.  It really only needs a few more rows to be big enough to cover us both when we fight for the blanket!  Which happens a lot actually. :)  I didn't get anything done on the afghan yesterday, but I've had a little time today and have gotten several rows put on.  It's turning out really well.

Maggie Moo is healing nicely.  The spray the vet gave us made a big difference.  She doesn't like it and at first we weren't sure if it was helping or not, but she's much better now.  Fraiser hasn't tried to groom the incision nearly as much.  We took them on a short jaunt around the neighborhood yesterday and Maggie was extremely bouncy.  Frasier was his normal laid-back self, sniffing everything and marking territory, but the beagle was very energetic so we think she's about recovered.  Her fur is starting to grow back in where it was shaved. She still looks funny!

It's been really cool the last few days and then windy yesterday.  This coming week is supposed to be warmer until about Thursday, then it will be back to cool again.  We have a chance of rain all week.  We still need rain, we've had some but still could use more.  Fall is usually a very wet time of year in this area.

I'm actually looking forward to winter this year.  Mostly because my allergies are still giving me fits and will be until we get a couple of good, hard freezes.  I have had sinus headaches off and on the last few days and lots of congestion.  Even Bill is sneezing, and he's the least allergic person I know.  Except for one new thing:  he's suddenly developed an allergy.  TO MY HAND LOTION!  You know, the lotion I can't live without because of my extremely dry skin and the one I use is about the only one that I'm not allergic to!

Oh well.  I guess he'll just have to put up with it.  :)

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