Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I Think I Want to Move...

Somewhere considerably warmer!  (Not really, we like it here).  But Otter has now decided that yes, she will move to Texas in a few years.  I told her that she had to have a house big enough to have a room for me.  I'll visit in October and leave in May.  Not sure about Billyboy, though.  He might have to be on his own for a few months out of the year. :)

We knew that there was more snow on the way, and that it was supposed to start yesterday late afternoon or evening.  When we went to bed, it wasn't coming down and I was hopeful that the forecaster might have missed it.  Bill woke up about 4:00 or thereabouts this morning, and looked out - to descover that the street has disappeared again and that the cars were covered.  So, we're home again today.  I'm really tired of this!  The newspaper website said that the paper will be delivered today, but I don't think it has been.  Which is fine, I'd enjoy reading it but I don't want anyone to get hurt.  Also, today is the one day of the year when we will willingly eat McDonald's, the Day of Love fundrasier for the Ronald McDonald House.  I don't think we're going to be able to take part this year.

We did manage to get out when Bill got home yesterday.  Otter and I prevailed on him to take us out - anywhere - for a few minutes.  We went to Quick Trip, which is a convenience store.  I got a milky way candy bar, so it was a big trip.

Today, the farthest I've gone is to the bird feeders.  I took two filled ones out about 8:00 this morning.  Otter took two more filled ones out about 1:00, and brought in two empty ones.  The birds are hungry!  And so is Frasier, he went out and cleaned up the snow of spilled seed while ago.  Then he found a snowbank, up to his chest, stood in it and ate some snow.  Who knows what goes on in that dog's mind!  Maggie's trips outside have been fast, she sometimes will stand in snow piles and eat all the birdseed she can find until she's shivering so hard she can barely stand but she hasn't done that today.

Since we're home, Bill's been working on the latest pachinko machine he's rebuilding.  Otter's been reading and watching assorted movies.  I've been de-stashing.  I made a cap for Crazy Uncle, which I hope to mail tomorrow - but we'll see if I can get to the post office, and a couple of other small things.

We had a late lunch, we ate around 1:30.  Pasta Dogs!  They were pretty good, we don't have them too often since the hot dog part of the equation is not really healthy.  But they are still a good meal, quick and easy to make.

I'm so ready for summer.


Anonymous said...

What is a pasta dog? froggy

Otter Mom said...

Go read the recipe on my cooking blog. They are easy, and something Bill invented when he was hungry and a bachelor. Not as good as the stew, but they'll work.