Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Middle of the Week Thoughts

I had something I was going to post, but I had a major derail of my train of thought.

At least it left the station, unlike Toadles' trains!

(Sorry, Bro!)

Bill acquired 3 new pachinko machines today.  There is another one on the way, which he bought over the internet from a guy in Florida.  It should arrive tomorrow.  Today's are all modern machines, which means that they need electricity to play.  They are probably going to be fixed up and resold, he doesn't really like the modern ones as much.

Unlike Bill, I am de-stashing!  I finished the 2nd scarf that will be donated to the military group, I have the two hats to do still but they might wait a day or so.  Somebody Bill works with liked the hat I made him (but Otter gave it to him for Christmas) and has ordered a hat and scarf combo, which I might get started on tonight.  I don't sell a lot of my crochet, but I might start selling more of it.  Maybe, I'm still thinking about that.

We might get what is euphamistically known as "Spring Like Storms" tomorrow.  Actually, the rain might start tonight.  It's early, but there is still a chance of those storms we don't want to talk about yet.  We do expect to get high wind and thunder, but the jury is still out on severity.

Froggy, you commented on the last post about Mom and books.  I answered you, but I'm going to expand on my answer.  Mom loved sales, clearance sales, day old bread sales, you name it!  But she always got confused when she was going to the bread store - she kept saying she was going to the Used Bread Store instead of the day old bread place!  Do you remember that?

I have a prayer request.  Precious Miss Dorothy has been sick for a couple of days.  She finally gave in and called the doctor.  She's got pancreatitis!  Yes, that is what I had nearly 4 years ago.  But she has a mild case and not nearly what I had, for that we are thankful.  She might have to have her gall bladder removed, the doctor wasn't sure yet.  She is in the hospital, but mostly just to give her time to rest and the medication to work.  She might be released in the next day or so.  I'm not sure if/when the surgery would be, but any prayers are appreciated.  She is a very special lady.


Anonymous said...

I remember her always calling it the used bread store. We always laughed about it. She did love a bargain, that is one reason she loved thrift stores and clearance sales. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

And she taught us well!