Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A Few Athma Thoughts on Tuesday

Read this:

Asthma on the Increase?

It's an interesting article.  Since I'm the mother of/daughter of/aunt of/victim of it myself, I have more than a passing interest in asthma research.  It's not a fun disease.  It's a hard one to have and it can be potentially life-threatening, as some I know can tell you - she lost her teenage daughter to it.  It's also a very expensive disease, we were fortunate to have really good insurance when Otter's asthma was at it's worst but even with insurance it was still a financial concern.

My mother had it, although I don't know how bad hers was.  I think she had it fairly strongly when she was younger, but it had lessened quite a bit by the time she was an adult.  Froggy's had to deal with it as a parent.  My sister/friend Virginia's oldest child has it and I think one of her late daughter's children has it.  I have it.  Otter has it.

Otter was diagnosed with it when she was about 2 1/2.  It was rough for a few years, she had so many different allergies to deal with.  I strongly recommend allergy shots, they helped her immensely.

Otter is mostly dealing with allergies right now.  They are better, but she's still got them.  She's been taking the allergy medication we got her last week and it seems to be working.  I think it's probably working better than the benadryl.  She's still sneezing frequently, but I can see improvement.

But even as bad as her allergies have been lately, it's still nowhere near as bad or as scary as it was years ago.  So I don't complain, I'm just Thankful that it's not like it used to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My 3 seem to have outgrown it mostly. I think they still have problems occasionally, but they all have inhalers and can use them.