Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's MondayTuesday!

Blogger is acting kind of strange again, it's not always telling me when I have a comment waiting to be posted.  So, if you've left a comment and it's not showing up here it might be because I don't know about it!  Blogger does have it's moments...

Anyway, where was I?

Oh yeah.  Monday on Tuesday.  That means that it was busy at work and I spent the day confused as to which day it really is.  I do like the fact that tomorrow is already Wednesday, that means that it's one day closer to Saturday.  So I'm not complaining.

For a few years, I've been trying to get Bill a cell phone.  He kept insisting that he didn't need one.  But then he would turn around and borrow mine for the day.  Then he started his pachinko business and printed up business cards.  What number did he put on the cards?  Mine, of course.  Then he got his website up and running.  What contact number did he use?  Mine again.  Then he placed the occasional ad in the paper and what number do you think he used!?  Ditto.  I finally got him to realize that he really does need his own cell phone, and we were going to make some changes to our plan at this time anyway so he asked me to get one for him when I went to the phone place.  The kicker is that he wanted my number to be his because it would be too much trouble to change the cards & website (he prints his own cards FYI).  But it's ok for me to have to change my number with everybody and their brother!  So, the upshot is that we all have new cell phones - and I have a new number.  To learn and change with the aforementioned everybody and their brother.  Well, at least Bill's got a phone now so he won't have to keep borrowing mine!  (And I won't get strange calls about pachinko machines!).  Otter got a new phone as well, she was overdue for a newer one and she wanted a phone with a camera in it.  The phones I got for myself and Bill are matching, there were a couple of other choices but I didn't like them as much.  Guess I'll have to either make a label for them or see about a new skin (cover) for mine.  So, anybody that might have my cell phone number will get Bill when they call it.  He'll eventually get the voice mail message changed to his voice and not mine.  (If you are someone I need to give the new number to and haven't already, please email me - it's not "out there" for everybody, please understand that I have my reasons for privacy and they are very good ones).

I've started another scarf/hat set for the military dependant donation project.  This one is a deep green.  I am nearly finished with the scarf and the hat won't take too long.  I have a dusty blue that I'm probably going to use for the next one, which I think will make 5 sets that I've done.

This might just be who we vote for in the upcoming Presidential election:

So far, I like what I've seen.  He sounds like a very strong conservative.  He seems to be very no-nonsense, common sense and we're impressed so far.

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