Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Subway

Guess what we had for lunch?  :)

Anyway.  Moving on.

Otter graduates in just a few days.  Today at church the graduates were recognized.  We go to the early service, so there aren't as many people there (yet) as she would have had to face at the second service.  She was the first one recognized, there were two others and one of them was a college graduate.  She was a little embarassed to be called up to the front of the church, but it was still a nice thing for the church to do.  The graduates received a couple of books as gifts and there was a special prayer.  She graduates on Thursday, but she won't actually be out of school for another week.  Strange, but that's the way the local school district does things.  She's picked Chili's as the location for her pre-graduation ceremony dinner.

My craft project I mentioned Friday is going fine.  It's a little time consuming because there is glue drying time.  The actual process for making the project isn't long, it's just that I have to wait for the epoxy type glue to dry before I can put it together and take a picture of it.  It will be on the craft blog sometime in the next couple of days.  I think it might be ready now, but the camera I used is Otter's and it's with her.  She's off with BF today, they were going to Arby's for their standing Sunday date.  So I have to wait.

The weather has been odd lately.  Much cooler than normal and also wetter.  We had a couple of really nice days last week, Otter and I (and the dogs!) spent some time in the backyard one afternoon last week.  Watching ladybugs!  There were a lot of them, we think someone might have put some in their garden and they did what they normally do - they flew off!

Otter's jalepeno and rosemary plants are doing well, they haven't had the warm weather that they really need so they haven't grown a lot.  There is some growth, just not as much as we should have seen by this point.

The cool/wet/warm/dry/cool/wet weather cycle we are having also is having an affect on allergy sufferers.  It's making the allergy season much longer and stronger than normal.  Which we can attest to!

The dogs are not getting much backyard time right now.  We put them out there for a few minutes yesterday and didn't go with them like we usually do.  Of course, they immediately started digging!  Frasier was well on his way to China when I discovered it, but I'm sure that Maggie had something to do with it.  For one thing, she was in the general area prior to the excavation and she was pointing.  Which should have been my first clue that there was probably a mole they were hearing.  Bill mowed this morning after we got home from church, it's an adventure avoiding all the craters.

We have a bird nest on the front porch.  It's a wren, she's built her nest in what resembles a half-cage but is actually a planter that was Mom's.  I have a small clay pot with artificial ivy in it, and the little bird found it to be just what she wanted for her nest.  There are two eggs in it, there were three but we noticed that one of them was smashed on the porch.  Mama bird might have reduced her brood like they will sometimes do if there aren't a lot of bugs to eat, or she might have just been clumsy.  We're enjoying having her out there.  She is used to us to a point, she will now sometimes stay on the nest when we walk by.  We are trying not to spend a lot of time out there, but it's the front porch and we have to use the door sometimes!

Blogger seems to be acting better, but I'm not the only one who had issues with it last week.  I think that there must have been a problem at the main site, there was a scheduled maintenance report prior to the problems but it was only supposed to be down for an hour or so.  The problems lasted a couple of days and I was unable to sign in for a long time.  It's still having some moments, I'm able to get comments but some of the post labels are wonky as I try to post them.  Hopefully, it's fixed now and will stay that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
