Friday, May 06, 2011

Just Friday

But what a week it's been!

Obviously, it has been an important week as an American.  Beyond my first post about justice, I have deliberately stayed away from the subject.  I still stand by what I said, it was justice and very much deserved. But I am trying very hard not to celebrate the aspect of the death of the person.  (I'm not posting the name because this blog is not searchable for a reason and there are certain words that will always show up on a search.  That person's name being one of them.  Also, I refuse to justify him with a name or anything remotely dignified).  But I am glad that there has finally been some justice.  Notice that I did not say closure!  Closure in that sense does not exist.  However, I do still think we should pray for the people involved, all of them.

It's been a fast week.  Which is a good thing.  I'm so ready for it to be Friday again.  Actually, I'm ready for it to be Saturday.  Because I'm going to crochet/read/sleep/goof off all day!

Sunday is Mother's Day.  I told Otter that I want two things for Mother's Day:  1.  To go to the zoo, which we are doing on Sunday.  and 2.  I want to teach her how to crochet.  She's talked about it before, she wanted me to show her a few weeks back but then she got sick and that's never a good time to learn anything new.  Whether or not she sticks with it is up to her, but I'm going to show her the basics and then she will at least stick with it long enough to really know what she's doing - it's like any other skill, there will be a period of "I'm going to throw this stuff out the window!" and then she'll figure it out.  Then, it's up to her.  But it's like embroidery - I taught her and she knows how (although neither of us can stand it!), and it might not be something she'll want to do much of but it's come in handy for her a few times already.

Of course, if she does love crochet and gets obsessed about it (which will happen if she likes it at all), then I might have to fight for my stash!


Anonymous said...

How did the lessons go?

Otter Mom said...

No time yet! It will probably be sometime this week.