Friday, May 13, 2011

Suicidal Squirrels on Friday the 13th!

When your day starts out with a kamikaze squirrel, it really can't get any worse.

I ran over one this morning.  I saw it dash off the curb & into the street just as I got to where it was.  It was not a pleasant experience! I'm glad that I was the driver and not Otter, but it was still not fun.

I'm not superstitious, but it was not a good way to start the day.

At least it is Friday.  Even if it is in the high 50's/low 60's.  Instead of the mid-80's that was forecast.

Blogger was acting up last night and this morning, Froggy made a comment on my last entry and Blogger would not accept it for any reason.  I think the entire site was down, because of what it was saying when I was attempting to sign in.  It seems to be working tonight, but Froggy's comment would not post so I posted it for her.  It had to do with Paypal phishing attempts.  Since then, Froggy's also discovered that her email was hacked into.  That sort of thing seems to be happening more and more often.  It's really frustrating to have to deal with things like that and it can also be costly.

I have a craft idea I'm going to try.  I have to give a shout-out to my blog friend Heidi, because I got the idea from her blog.  It involves a canning jar and I'll post pictures of it on my craft blog if it works.  I don't think that Bill's going to mind helping me with this one, since he's already volunteered the use of his drill.  But in the interest of safety, I think I'll be the one to operate the drill!

Well, maybe anyway.  I'll make sure that I have plenty of band-aids on hand!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor squirrel, poor you. but the bad is out of the way, so the day had to get better. glanced at the new project and it looks good. I will go back and really study it and see if I want to do it. Froggy