Sunday, March 17, 2013


I'm wearing mine, hope you are wearing yours!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I guess I could have not said that, since Poohbear already did.  Oh well.  :)

Bill doesn't have any green on, so I've been pinching him frequently.  Otter doesn't have any green on, but she is wearing her uniform and is at work so she gets a pass.  Although I'm sure Bill will make her pay when she gets home this evening!

(Notice the new ticker at the top of the page?)

Froggy, you asked me a question via comment on the last post.  Blogger never told me that there was a comment waiting, when I signed in just now I saw it.  Anyway, the Chupacabra vs. The Alamo is on movie that was made by/for the Scy-Fy network.  Formerly known as the Science Fiction channel but then they changed their name a couple of times, you might have it as part of your cable/dish package.  It looks really stupid, but then the Scy-Fy movies generaly are.  I thought it was supposed to air yesterday, but it might actually be this coming Saturday.

It was warm the last couple of days, windy and sunny.  Spring has sprung, and my allergens are out in full force.  It has gotten warm enough that we've started using the fan at night.  I took the humidifier apart yesterday, cleaned it and put it up until next Fall.  We changed the bedspread from the heavy camo quilt (Bill's) we use in the winter, and put the lighter patchwork quilt (mine) on the bed.  So of course it's cold & rainy today!  Back in the 50's and it's been misting off & on all day.

Movie Review:  Red Dawn.  Bill and I remember the first one, this is the remake.  It was pretty good.  In fact, I think it was better than the first one.  There are a few lessons we took from it.  1)  An unarmed populace is easy to control and 2) don't trust the media/politicians in the event of an invasion.  Also 3)  fight back.

As I mentioned earlier, my allergies are bad.  Really bad.  I spent Thursday and Friday feeling like they were coming on, and Friday evening is when they hit big-time.  I've been sneezing, coughing, congested, hoarse and had a sore throat since then.  I also had a small nose bleed Friday, first one I've had in a while but probably not the last!

Otter has to go to the doctor on Thursday, her annual lung recheck/asthma appointment.  She's trying to avoid exposure to any of her allergens if at all possible.  Her asthma has been so good the last several months that I don't expect any bad reports Thursday.

Bill's off this coming week.  He has comp time that he has to use or he'll lose it.  I'm taking Monday off and Otter is already off on Monday.  She's probably going over to one of her friend's houses, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do.  I'd like to crochet, but I might not have time.  Bill has a pachinko repair/cleaning job and I usually get roped into those.

Also, he's got plenty to keep him busy.  He got a call from someone last week, this gentlemen lives in a neighboring town that is about 30 minutes away.  He has been collecting pachinko machines and was ready to sell his collection.  Bill went up there Friday.  He brought home 16 new machines (well, new to Bill anyway) and about 3,000 pachinko balls.  There were 20 in the collection originally, but the man either kept 4 or gave them to a friend that wanted them, I'm not sure.  But the point is, Bill got 16 machines in one whack!  They are all in the garage, which is pretty full now.  With those things, you kind of have to get them when you can and that sometimes means that it's months between machines or finding a whole bunch of them at a time.  Although I don't think he's ever gotten this many at one time before.

At least my stash is squishable!

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