Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday (and Other Stuff, Too)

(We'd actually forgotten that today is Palm Sunday, until we got to church and Otter noticed the palm leaves up at the alter.)

Other stuff:  I'm still celebrating International Crochet Month.  Just not as much as I'd like to!  My new glasses are slightly smaller than my previous pair, so I made myself another pouch to hold them at night.  That was yesterday's project.  I had planned on working on one of the three blanket projects I have going, but I needed to do something that I could actually get finished so I made a new pouch for the glasses and it's about half the size of the old one!  The old one was a little too big anyway, but not that big.  I might work on one of the blanket projects today, but that depends - I've been fighting off a mild migraine so I'm not sure.  Sorry is this is a rambling post, but I do have a headache after all.

I read an article in the paper yesterday about an indictment issued against the groundhog, since he forecasted an early spring and it's wintery in lots of places.  The article was in fun, but it certainly is cold for this time of year.  We had 2" - 4" inches of snow forecast overnight as a possiblity, in other words the forecasters were covering their behinds and forecasting a "possibility."  When Otter got off work at 9:30-ish last night, it was cold but other than a little rain (off & on all day) to make the streets wet there wasn't anything.  She got home about 9:45 or so, and the weather front was supposed to hit sometime between 2 & 4 this morning.  When we got up, it was cold but dry.  When we headed to church, it started to snow but it was just an occasional flake.  Small flakes.  It was colder, and when we left church it was even colder!  There were more flakes and they were bigger, but they were melting before hitting the ground.  It snowed for a couple of hours, but they never made it to the ground and now it's stopped.

Otter's gone to her D & D game, they try to play on Sundays but this if the first time in about a month that they've all been able to get together at the same time.  Bill's working on pachinko stuff and I'm (what else?) doing laundry.

The Chupacabra vs. the Alamo movie was on Scy-Fy last night.  It was so bad it's hard to find the words to describe it!  I saw bits & pieces of it, we generally enjoy Scy-Fy's stupid Saturday night movies but this one was so bad we couldn't even watch it all.  I saw the beginning and the end, Bill saw more of the middle of it than I did.  But it was still just so bad as to be indescribable.  Frasier is not happy, he chupa relatives were insulted and he is demanding an apology.

One week from today is Easter.  It's also Otter's birthday.  We are going to observe Easter, obviously.  But we're also going to observe Otter's birthday on her birthday.  The original plan was that she was going to have some of her friends over and we were going to grill burgers & dogs.  But that was before we realized that her birthday actually falls on Easter this year.  So, the plan has changed a bit.  She'll get together with her friends a little later and they may do something other than grill.  But she still wanted to have the original meal plan since it is her birthday and that is what that meal plan was for (it's the "big 21" after all.)  (Also, having had more than I care to remember in terms of my birthday being treated as an afterthought with a holiday being so close, her request was not a problem!)  So, we're going with her request as far as the food is concerned.  I've already ordered her birthday cake, I'll pick it up on Friday.  And this year, it's from a well-known local bakery with an excellent reputation so I really don't think it'll be a cake wreck.  She knows what she's getting for her birthday, she picked it out herself and we'll go get it this week.  Her store is closed on Sunday, she was going to request it off since it's her birthday but they are closed on Easter so it was never an issue.

We're just trying to figure out where the last 21 years have gone, shouldn't see just now be about 5?

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