Tuesday, March 05, 2013

We've been Queened!

Otter treated her father to dinner tonight.  We went to Dairy Queen.  Which is actually not as cheapyish as it sounds, we haven't had Dairy Queen in this area for years (like before we were here) and now we have one.  So, it was actually an outing and not "just" fast food.  (I wasn't ignored, she bought me green apple Jolly Rancher candy which I absolutely love but almost never actually get.)  We also had ice cream, since it's the rule at Dairy Queen:  you have to have ice cream!

Otter was texting with a friend of hers, and she was telling him how as a Texan, she is contractually obligated to eat at DQ.  So then he wanted to know what else that entailed.  Her answer:  Whataburger, steak, chicken fried steak, fried chicken, biscuits and/or gravy, pecan pie and Tex-Mex.  I think that covers most of it.

We also had another errand, Bill had to get his driver's license renewed so we did that before we went to DQ.  The rest of the story is that his license actually expired on the last day of January!  But nobody realized it.  I mentioned that I have to get mine renewed this month, and Bill wasn't sure when his was due so he checked it this morning.  Can we say "oops"?  He didn't have any trouble, mostly because it was "just" expired and not suspended.  He had to take them a certified copy of his birth certificate, which we did have fortunately.  If he'd been further from the expiration date, he could have possibly had to take either the written or driving test again.  (No, I won't wait past the end of the month to renew mine!)

Frasier's getting talky again.  At night.  He's done it every so often, and I've usually given him a tranquilizer the next couple of nights.  Then he would be fine.  But he's done it a few times lately, and the last two in a row.  But he's not barking, just talking and not that much.  I heard him the other night but ignored him, then he did it early one Saturday morning but I closed the bedroom door since it was somewhere around 4:00 a.m.  He might have heard Bill when he got up this morning, we're not sure.  It wasn't a lot of noise and it was pretty close to breakfast time.  So, I'm hoping that he's not ramping back up again because nobody wants to go through that again.  If he does get back to where he was at last Fall, we're probably going to see if letting him into our room at night does the trick.  Mostly, he's just wanting Mom.  But Mom needs her sleep, and so does everybody else!  We'll see what happens.  The anti-gas pills the dogs are on do seem to be helping somewhat.  At least now we don't have do wear gas masks to sit in the livingroom and watch tv!


Anonymous said...

Could the anti gas pill be making Frasier talk?

Otter Mom said...

I'm not sure, but I don't think so. He was doing it before we started the pills but I am keeping an eye on him just in case. He's not all dog, he's got a lot of coyote and that changes everything with him!