Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Eyes Have It!

(Alternate Title:  The Eyes of TEXAS Are Upon You.)

I got my eyes examined today, in case you are wondering about the title.  Or the alternate title.  I knew I needed new glasses, they were never really right and I could tell that my eyes had changed a bit.  Not much, but enough that it was time.  The eye doctor's office opens at 1:00 on Sundays and we got there just after 1:00.  I was the 2nd or 3rd person, so we had to wait but not long.  I did need a new, slightly stronger prescription.  I thought about skipping the bifocals and just getting two pairs of glasses but then I decided to just stick with the bifocals.  Glaucoma test was fine and my retinas look good.  But he found something.  I have the beginning of cataracts in both eyes.  He said that they are "baby" still and he can just barely see them, but that I will eventually have to deal with them - like about the time I hit medicare age, so 10 - 15 years from now and maybe not even then.  I'm not surprised.  I wasn't happy about it, but Mom had them and they can be hereditary to a point.  But I'm glad that I do know, so that I can plan for the future and having to deal with them.  I ordered my new glasses, they'll be back in about 10 days.  Normally Lenscrafters makes them while you wait but they are just enough over the line past that so they are sending them off to be made.  Whatever, I don't really care.  I'd prefer not to have to get them back while my eyes are still dilated anyway, it's easier to be able to see clearly when I get the new ones.

While we were at the mall, we went into Teavana.  Otter has been thinking that she wants one of their china tea sets for her birthday and she finally decided which one she wants.  One of her friends works there, I asked him if they get commissions for sales and he said that they do so I told him that we'll make sure he's there when we go back in to get it.

Movie Review:  Wreck It Ralph.  This one is cute, we really enjoyed it.  Of course, we are the generation that invented Video Games and this movie is in many ways a tribute to the early games.  It was very well done, the early games characters had the right graphics and way of moving, the new ones were correct for their original game.  The story was cute.  We've been disappointed so many times lately, this was a nice surprise.  I think it's on Otter's list of movies to buy.

Otter's about over the bug she had last week.  I fought it for a couple of days myself, and Friday night I felt really bad.  But it's pretty much gone now.  And not a moment too soon!

Today's the time change day.  The one that we don't like.  Frankly, I think the whole thing should just be scrapped but that's probably not a surprise to anyone!

I worked on my afghan yesterday.  I got about 2 1/2 rows done on it.  It's probably just over half-way done now.  I haven't worked on it much because it's basically a blanket now and it is warm.  I would prefer not to work on it when the weather's warm, but since we haven't really had winter in two years I haven't been inclined to work on it much!  But I am going to force myself to work on it and get it finished as soon as I can.

After all, March is International Crochet Month!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you got your eyes tested and ordered new glasses.