Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm Rambling Today

It's Wednesday, but I can't think of much to whine about.
Well, there is the fact that the house behind us is being built and it's a safe bet that they will be able to see in our windows.  But I'm not going to worry about that until/if I have to.
Froggy, you asked about the crocheted pot holder.  I'm not telling!
I hate these:

They are so unsafe.  Why not just write your ss#, bank info and address on your car?  Since anybody who sees the stickers can already tell how many children, their gender and approximate age and it's not difficult to look up addresses with car license plate numbers.  I'm just wondering what numbskull thought that these things were a good idea.
But, I do like this one.

Probably no surprise to anyone who knows us!
We (mostly Bill) got finished with the tree limb yesterday, after we got home from Bil's birthday dinner - we actually got him to go out this year.  We met one of our neighbors in the process.  When the electric company let Maggie out a few years back, the lady that found her lived across the street and down just a bit.  She sold her house to her daughter (or granddaughter, I'm not really sure).  The daughter's husband was out in their yard, he was playing with their kiddos and he saw Bill with his saw so he came over to help.  We had a nice visit, but Bill probably feels old since the younger guy thought the older guy (Bill) needed help!  Turns out that his wife is a TEXAN and also flies her flag.  Their neighbor on the other side will turn it upside down (as a joke, he's not being malicious) and hubby said she gets really riled.  I think he was surprised at just how testy she gets!  That makes 3 other TEXANS (that we know of) in the immediate neighborhood.  Since he is a fan of "that" Oklahoma school, I would imagine that it is not a fun place around his house in early October!
Otter is off with a friend today.  They didn't have any particular plans, but you can bet that shopping is involved.  She'll eventually be home, hopefully she'll still have some money left! :)
I had a cactus casualty.  My prickly pear.  It was never the healthiest plant, it was nearly dead when I bought it and I was surprised it lasted as long as it did.  I put the cactus outside days ago and then forgot all about them.  Then we had rain.  Lots and lots of rain.  It might have survived, but it wasn't a big plant and it had a run-in with a hailstone.  I had another cactus, it was tall and has pink thorns.  It's really pretty.  It was in a cast-iron pot that I found at a thrift store a few years back.  I drained the water out of the pot but then I realized that the pear was too damaged to make it so I transplanted the pink one into the pot the pear was in - it's a large cooking pot with pink enamel paint.  It took a little care, I used a plastic serving fork and dug a circle around the pink cactus, then I gently held it with a kitchen tong and stuck the serving fork underneath the cactus.  Once the pear was out of the pink pot, I stirred the dirt up a bit and then planted the pink cactus in it the same way I took it out of the cast iron pot - with the tongs.  I think it survived being swamped by so much water, it looks like it so far anyway.  I'm going to leave it outside, we are not supposed to get rain to speak of for a while now.  The cast iron pot is going to be refurbished, which means that I'm going to take a brillo or SOS pad to it and a lot of water (and elbow grease!), then I'm going to dry it thoroughly.  At that point, it's probably going to be painted with a specific pain for cast-iron and I think it's going to be part of my fireplace décor.
I also found another venus fly trap plant, it's still small but it will grow.  It's in the kitchen window at the moment, happily sitting in a small container filled with distilled water.

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