Monday, June 24, 2013

On The Shelf!

We spent most of yesterday working in the garage.  Bill's (finally!) getting his pachinko collection organized, and that means we spent several hours taking the old shelves apart, cutting new wood to size, assembling the new shelves, moving many many many boxes to the shed and back to the garage, and a whole bunch of other stuff that involved heavy lifting.  As a result, we are both sore and stiff.  Last night was an adventure in pain - I hurt in places I didn't even know I had!  We did a lot more than I mentioned, but the bulk of the day's activities involved the pachinko shelving.  We aren't through, but we did get a whole lot done.  I think we'll be back out there next Sunday, it's supposed to be warm (by TEXAS standards) but not hot (by TEXAS standards.)
Bill's figured out a way to store 20 machines, which might (maybe, hopefully) give us the room to walk around in the garage and not have to play leapfrog over the machines.
Otter was lucky, she had to work yesterday.  Otherwise, I'm sure she'd have been conscript labor along with me!
Otter saw the new Monsters 2 movie today.  She spent the afternoon at one of the malls with her boyfriend, they saw the movie then.  She said it was cute in places, but not anywhere near as good as the original movie.  About what I expected, actually.  We might see the new Superman movie next week.  But I'm thinking that Bill and I probably won't see Monsters 2 until it comes out on video.  Possibly the same thing for Iron Man 3.
We took the dogsters for a walk on Saturday.  While we were out, we went inside the house behind us.  It's small, but we do like the layout.  What we don't like is the fact that we could see very clearly into our own house.  Froggy, you mentioned people having curtains.  Yes, but the placement of the windows means that the occupants will be able to see in our windows with or without curtains.  We have mini-blinds in the dining room and curtains in the bedroom as well as the living room.  But we usually leave them open during the day, which is pretty standard.  We'll wait and see what happens.  There is another house starting beside it, but it will be behind our neighbor (the nice one) but that one won't be a problem for us.  There is room on the opposite side (between us and Lovely Neighbor) for another house which will be even more of a problem for us.  We'll have to wait and see.

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