Friday, June 07, 2013

National Donut Day

It's National Donut Day, but before I get to that I wanted to mention something.
Froggy's sweet dog died last night.  Her name was Cookie, she was one of the sweetest dogs.  I think she was a beagle/dachshund mix.  She was about 18 years old.  She's going to be missed.  Froggy, I am thinking about you and your family.  Mom always taught us that animals are God's creatures, and everything he made has an afterlife.  That includes His animals.  It might not be the same place we (can) go, but they go somewhere and it's good.

Today is Donut Day, and it's about the one time all year long that I actually eat one.  I went to Krispy Kreme on my lunch hour today.  They are not my favorite, but there are not a lot of other choices in Tulsa and it was also the only one really close to work.  I was going to get a half dozen, but I did the math and it was better to just get 12.  They were passing out free ones to everybody, I hadn't planned on eating one but it was fresh and hot and I caved.  It was very good!  I might have one or two more in the morning for breakfast, but that's going to be it for a very loooooooooooooong time.
My dogs are being silly, they just came in and Maggie wants to play.  But Frasier's not interested, he wants to lay at my feet and beg for affection.  He's been talking a bit at night lately, I heard him a couple of nights ago but in all honesty he might have just been answering Bill's snores.  At 1:30 this morning, I heard him and he wasn't quite barking but he was close.  I shut the bedroom door because it was too late to give him a tranquilizer.  I am going to give him the pills for the next few nights, which is what I have to do every so often.  I had 5 left so I called the vet and got a few more.
We've had so much rain lately that I've had to dump empty flower pots out every day or so.  We don't want skeeters!  Bill put a mosquito dunk in the rain barrel this week.  But they will find any available water and lay their eggs in it, including dog water dishes and anywhere else they can find.  I was dumping the flower pots out yesterday evening and there were a few mosquitos trying to land on them so I'm glad I got it done then.  Anyway, while I was pouring water out I heard a loud buzz and felt a breeze very close to my ear.  I got buzzed by a hummer!  She was not pleased with me, I was too close to her feeder for her tastes.  I got the message, and she's been all over all three feeders nearly every time I look out.
I posted a new recipe on the cooking blog, pan fried or broiled pork chops.  We had them tonight with rice, brown gray (yes, Pioneer brand!) and corn.  Can you say stuffed!  I'm probably going to have a glass of wine and put my feet up, that's going to be the extent of my exciting evening.  And I'll probably read the paper and maybe the book I'm currently working on.  Real exciting, huh!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that animals have an afterlife. I can just see Cookie running around like she used to do. Thank you for posting her picture.

We had donuts for breakfast the ones that HEB sells. There are some other here but nothing that I like.
I am glad that you have Hummers. I still don't have any.Froggy