Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Water's Flowing Again!

Well, it never actually quit flowing.  But we can drink it now.  The testing came back as clean with no contamination.  Since it never actually quit flowing and there have been no signs of impurities, we didn't have to deal with letting it run to flush the lines or anything.  The ice maker has been turned back on now and I don't have to worry about boiling water to brush teeth with.  Also, since the reserves have been built back up to good levels in the city's towers there are no usage restrictions.  I did a lot of laundry this morning and also ran the dishwasher, that was before the clean tests but the dishwasher gets the water pretty hot and it was already safe for laundry.  Since the tests hadn't come back yet, I took the few hand wash items to work and washed them in the sink there.  We still had a little water in the fridge in the main dispenser container we use, it was about 1/3 full.  I also had a pitcher that was full of water, I added it to the dispenser.  Back to so-called normal now!
Otter was home today, she wanted to spend some time working on getting her craft stuff back in order and she managed to get a lot done.  She wanted to go to two junk/craft/antique stores that we hadn't been to in a while, so I told her to wait until I got home and I'd go with her.  She found several things, I found Bill's birthday present (not telling!) and we had a good time.  We don't get to these two stores very often.  Since she just went to bed with a probable migraine, I'm really glad we went shopping when we did.
They are working on the roof of the house behind us right now.  They are putting the plywood down to cover the rafters, and they are noisy!  But they are getting it done, so it won't be too long until they are finished.  We hope!

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