Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Water Woes

The broken water main was fixed overnight.  We are still having to boil it for consumption, but we can at least shower now.  We are still supposed to conserve to a point.  No car washing, watering the lawn, etc.  I'm going to do a load of laundry in the morning, but we trying to be somewhat careful.  But it was nice to be able to shower again!  I've still got a decent amount of water in the fridge so that we haven't had to boil any to drink, but that might change tomorrow.  The problem now is that the water quality might not be good yet, which is a normal thing after a break like this apparently.  I did boil some water, I'd like to be able to brush my teeth without having to get into the water we have reserved for drinking!  I'm thinking that we might tap into one of our large jugs of water.
Because the boil order is still in effect, all restaurants in the city and surrounding areas that are on our city water are closed.  So is the local hospital, all the patients were transferred to Tulsa hospitals but there weren't many, it's a small hospital.  There is another hospital in town, but I think it might be on Tulsa's water system.  The water may well be safe, but until the testing is completed and the all-clear has been given, the boil order and conservation request is still in effect.
Otter went to work with me today, she got to visit her surrogate grandfather and then we went thrifting at lunch.  She found a few of the things she was looking for.  She spent the afternoon at the library and then we went to the grocery store after that.  Wally was a little crowded for the middle of the week, but not bad.  The clerk forgot to ring up the dog food, which we realized when we were nearly to the car, so we went back in and took care of that.  But even then, it took us a little less than an hour which isn't bad.
The house behind us is definitely one story, the roof rafters are up.  But it does look like there is a window that will allow anyone inside to look directly into my house.  The blinds and curtains are staying closed while the house is under construction.  It looks like it's a "for sale" as opposed to custom built for an owner.  It might be a while before we actually have neighbors back there.
Hope so, anyway!

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