Thursday, April 03, 2014

Just Wolves

We got almost no bad weather last night OR today.  Which is good, I'm not complaining about that.  But the forecasters did their normal thing, which is to:  chase something that isn't there and report it to people who don't care!
We did have some weather today, but it was very short-lived.  It hailed in a couple of spots and there was some rain, but that was about it.
Oh, well.  On to other things.
We had a local election on Tuesday.  It was county-wide, so there were a whole lot of registered voters who were eligible to cast a vote.  However, a whole lot of them didn't!  Bill went in the middle of the day, he was number 18.  Otter and I went after we hit the grocery store, we knew that there wouldn't be a long line and that the colder stuff would be fine in the car.  It was just after 6:00 when we got there.  We were number 32 & 33.  It was like that all over, talk about people that don't care what happens and are quite willing to give up their freedoms because they just can't be bothered!
Otter and I went to the booth today.  We went by on Tuesday, paid April's rent and collected March's sales.  On Monday, my large cookie jar crock was still there but it sold on Tuesday and it wasn't on the sales list we got for the month so I know we at least sold one thing so far this month.  Today, it didn't look like anything had sold but I had a couple of things to put in it and we neatened up a bit.  We were originally going to keep it until the end of the 3-month period, which would be this month as out last.  But we've decided to try a bit longer.  Not sure how much longer, we might just keep it through the end of May (we have to give 30 days notice).
I hit a thrift store at lunch today.  I found two blouses, I don't think that they have been worn.  I'll wash them anyway.  I also found a small container with some Christmas ornaments that might be plastic.  But they are bound for the ornament wreath I'm going to make, so I don't care if they are plastic or not.  I'm thinking I'm going to use a Styrofoam wreath form as a base for it.  I was originally going to use vintage ornaments, then it became candy shaped ornaments but now I'm just planning on using ornaments that I like and not a particular theme.  It's also not a project that I'm going to work on very soon.
We're watching Captain America on FX channel at the moment.  The sequel movie comes out on Friday.  I think Otter and J are going to see it Sunday.  I'm jealous!  I'm thinking we'll probably see this one at the theater, I don't want to wait for the Blu-ray.  But I am wondering about Stan Lee's cameo, I hope he has one.  It's become a fun game for his fans (we are legion) to spot him in the movies based on his characters.  He's usually very funny.  He'll be in Tulsa for a major convention in November, Otter's already planning on attending.  Not that I blame her!  He's pretty much the Big Dog of them all.
Yes, Star Trek is my first love and always will be.  But Stan Lee is supremely gifted and we love just about anything he touches.

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