Friday, April 25, 2014

Too Busy!

I have tried to take it easy today, but that hasn't happened as much as I wanted it to.  I didn't sleep too well last night and woke up coughing.  I decided to stay home - just like the Teenager told me to.  I talked to him this morning and he said I sounded bad.  Bill left for work at 6:10, when he normally does.  Otter had to be at work at 8:00 and she took my car.  I finally had breakfast about 8:30 or so.  I parked myself on the couch and the plan was to stay there until bedtime.
Otter was scheduled to get off at 1:00 and I thought I might get her to run me up to Wallyworld for a few things when she got home.  Other than that, I planned on staying inside and in my pj's.  About 11:00 or so, Bill calls me and said that the booth store owner called him - apparently, when we made price tags for the two newest pachinko machines we put in the booth we didn't realize that one of them had a previous tag on it that was probably from when the person we got it from originally bought it and there was someone interested in it but he wasn't sure which price to charge.  Bill wanted me to go up there when we went to Wallyworld and check on it.  The prospective buyer said he'd come back later on but he was still very interested.   About noon-ish, Bill got home since he'd taken the afternoon off because his Dad was going to come over here and get something he'd stored in our yard.  Bill was eating lunch quickly to get finished before his Dad got here, and the prospective buyer called with questions and said he was on his way back to the booth store so Bill ran up there.  So, I told him I'd help his Dad.  I had to go out and wrangle with the gate - the same one we've had issues with before and also the one that has multiple stage locks because of the electric company leaving it open before.  I didn't have to do a lot of physical work, I just had to be outside for a while and it's windy.  Bill got home just after his Dad and I got done, then Otter got home shortly after that.
Otter and I did get to Wallyworld, I would have just sent her but I needed several things and I never actually had time to write a list!  Among other things, I finally got lunch - I got a small salad from their deli.  I didn't get to eat lunch until after 2:00, so I was starved.  I also got dog food, which made the dogs very happy to see when Bill carried the bag inside.
I'm tired, I was tired to start with and I'm more tired now.  But I'm glad that I could help his Dad and I'm glad Bill was able to go to the booth store and get that taken care of.  I just would have preferred not to have to be out in the wind is all.
When I got home yesterday, I noticed a fairly large limb had come out of the tree by the garage.  Bill dragged it over to the other side of the house and tossed it over the fence.  He commented how we have two trees in the back yard which are in bad shape and the one that always seems to lose limbs is the one we want to keep!  But I noticed that the tree in the back yard which is closest to the house has a biggish limb that might be broken off but is still in the tree.  We could get lots of wind on Sunday, I hope that it doesn't come down and become an airborne missile.  Bill said that there are actually two broken limbs, and he thinks that they have both been up there for a while.
Bill's employer has occasional online auctions to get rid of surplus stuff.  This time, it included sewing machines.  Bill bid on a couple, he won one bid and when he was picking it up there was another one that nobody bid on.  It needs a power cord, but I think it's in good shape otherwise.  It was free anyway.  It's a Pfaff.  I can't remember the other one, it might be the same brand.  Now, Otter will have her own machine to use and I will as well.  I really don't like the machine that we call Bill's.  I prefer plain & simple when it comes to sewing machines.  If I sewed a lot, I might like the fancier machines better though.  But I don't sew all that much and what I do sew is usually fairly easy.  Otter is the seamstress in the family, I'll stick with my crochet.  Bill's an Engineer, they are a different species!

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