Sunday, April 13, 2014


I heard a news report today on the forecast for the upcoming allergy season.  The words "Allergy Vortex" have been used to describe what it coming.  In other words, it ain't gonna be pretty!
Otter's already started stocking up on claritan and the Alka-Seltzer cold/sinus pills she uses for nighttimes.  Along with Tylenol and Kleenex!
It's not too bad at the moment, though.  We had rain and the air is clear.  It's also 20 degrees colder than it was a couple of hours ago.
We had bad-ish weather chances for this afternoon/evening.  We did get the storm we expected, it wasn't expected to be bad and it wasn't.  It was just very fast-moving.  We had some strong wind, small hail, rain, a little more hail and then a little more rain.  We needed the rain and still need more.  But we can do without the wind and hail part of the equation!  The plastic plant stand size tables out on the deck are now in other places in the yard.  I probably won't go out to get them until tomorrow morning.  They are still in the yard, just not where we left them!
Otter finally got to meet J and see the new Captain America movie.  She keeps trying to tell me about it, but I have managed to avoid most of it.  I don't want it to be spoiled, I want to be surprised when we actually manage to see it.  I do know quite a bit about it already, but I don't want to know anymore yet.  Although she did say that Stan Lee's cameo is good and actually pretty long.
It's very humid this evening, it wasn't earlier but it feels like it's getting that way now.  It was 77 degrees today and will be in the low-40's tomorrow.  Tuesday morning, we may wake to a slight freeze.  Then, it's back to Spring again!
Just not with the storms, please.

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