Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Pepperoni

We made pizza yesterday, in case you're wondering. We also had it for breakfast this morning since the bread machine can only make enough dough for 4 medium size pizzas so we always have plenty left over! Otter makes her version of Pepperoni Lover's and I made our version of Supreme. Pretty good stuff, and a lot less bad for you than the commercial stuff. Not that it's healthy by any stretch of the imagination, it is pizza after all! But we use fat-free cheese and a whole bunch of veggies on it.

Anyway. It's been raining since sometime early yesterday morning. Yesterday was off & on rain, today is constant. It's not a hard rain, it's actually nice.

I finished one crochet project yesterday - Otter's throw pillow, and made the first prototype of the "thing" I'm working on for Froggy. I am pleased with the way it turned out, but it's still a work in progress idea.

Otter and I went to a thrift store today (no luck) and an antique/flea market type of store - the one where I found the picnic basket, Froggy, and you found Scooter's 3-d puzzles. They had some Fenton, but nothing I was all that interested in because I'm cheap when it comes to Fenton. I did find two more shot glasses for Bill's Useless Collection. One of them is Texas, so I had to buy it. The other one? Well, it matches my vintage & very delicate drinking glass set that I got from Mom and Aunt Jessie - so of course it had to come home with me! Bill said that I could keep it with my glasses, wasn't that special of him? (I'm joking here - although it IS with my glasses!)

While Otter and I were out and about, we also went to our favorite fabric store. And I found the chenille yarn I'd been looking for. And it was even on sale! Which was good, but I would have bought it anyway because I discovered that Lion Brand has discontinued this style. I bought 4 skeins, spent $15.00 and might go back for a little more. I have a possible project in mind for two of the skeins - they are a royal blue - I'm thinking I need a new scarf. The other two are 1 pine green and 1 light tan color that will work together if I decide to use them on one project. I'm not sure if I'm going to get more or not, but I might simply because there won't be any more. But I'm still thinking about that. Although Otter is more than willing to sacrifice some of her time to go with me! Yarn is something that will keep, so I don't have to have a project right now.
Let's see, what else is going on. Well, Bill's been up to his ears in pachinko machines. Otter's probably up to her ears in a book right now. And I have laundry going - normal Sunday afternoon, in other words! Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike laundry? (Yeah, I know - many times).
Movie review: We rented Sherlock Holmes, the new one. It was pretty good. I'm not particularly a Sherlock fan, but it was a good movie. A little confusing at times, and it kind of felt like it was a part 2 but it was enjoyable. I'd recommend it. It carried the warning of shocking scenes - or words to that effect - but I didn't find anything really objectionable. There was some violence to the story, but there was little gore to speak of so we're not really sure why it had the warning.
And now, I'm off to clean the kitchen. And do laundry.

(If anybody has any Lion Brand Chenille Thick & Quick yarn, please email me or leave a comment! I might be willing to buy it from you).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had 6 inches of rain in my front yard on Saturday. Kid2 and Kid3 were home for the weekend. It was very nice. I love it when they come home. Had a good time last night cooking chicken fajita. I cooked the chicken on the Forman grill, Kid2 made the pico de gallo, Kid3 sliced all the chicken and did the tortillas. Hubby was finishing his honey do list. Kid 1 was out of town. The kitchen was crowded but it was great. Froggy