Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday's Mid-Week Whining

Not all that much to whine about actually.  Just sore feet & legs, but that's because I got on the bike again this afternoon after about a week of not riding.  It was a short ride, the wind was playing a game with my allergies, but it was nice to be able to ride again.  Otter went with me this time, the wind bothered me more than it did her.  I'm going to pay for it tomorrow, my allergies are already reminding me that they are there.  Unfortunately, there isn't an allergy medicine that really works for me.  Think I'm going to convert my Whining Wednesday into Wine Wednesday! :)

We also spent a long time out in the back yard, watching the dogs alternating between tracking moles & coming up to us to get affection.  We discovered that the morning glories are starting to come up.  I saw the first one the other day, but now there are several more that have poked through the dirt.  They might be some of the assorted seeds I planted, they are in the right area but I'm not picky.  I 'm just glad that they are starting to grow.  The ones at Otter's trellis are the ones I'm referring to, I didn't get out to the fence to check those but they should be up soon if they aren't already.

Otter's got about 3 weeks of school left.  She's happy about that, for some strange reason.

It has been really cool the last few nights, last night was in the 40's.  The days have been nice, partly cloudy and warm but not hot.  Today, it's very nice but it's also very windy.  Tomorrow is supposed to be the same and then we could get rain on Friday.  The rain might last through to Sunday, it depends on which tv forecaster we want to believe!

Whatever, I'm just ready for Friday to get here.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about allergies. I m having a lot of trouble and like you I can't take anything unless I want to sleep for 24 hours. This sounds good except it is not really sleep just foggy brained and weird.

Otter Mom said...

It used to be that I could take one or maybe two doses of an allergy medicine, and it would work somewhat but after that - it would only make me sluggish and drugged. Now, I can't even take one dose of anything. They just plain don't work, and frequently have the opposite affect on me - sleeplessness and being extremely wired but mentally sluggish. So I just have to tough it out. It's not fun.