Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday Mummies

Yes, mummies.  The dead people kind.  And also a couple of dog mummies.

Otter and I just got back from spending an hour or so at a local museum, which is hosting a travelling exhibit entitled "To Live Forever" which belongs to the Brooklyn Museum.  It is a fairly large exhibit, it's all Egyptian burial practices to simplify the explanation.  There are a few mummies, and two of them are dogs or some type of canine animal.  We really enjoyed it, it's amazing to be looking at artwork and other pieces - and realize that it's over 5000 years old.

There was also another exhibit that we really enjoyed.  It was books and things made from them.  One item on display looked like a menu from a Chinese restaurant.  Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be poetry and it was very well-done.  The bookworm known as Otter really enjoyed that exhibit.

We also hit a thrift store but didn't find too much.  I'm looking for vintage yarn and also vintage crocheted things to reclaim older, hard-to-find yarn.  I saw a few things last week that were made with yarn I liked, but most of them were just too small to get much yarn out of.  Except for one piece, it was a blanket and it was absolutely beautiful yarn.  But it was such a well-done piece that someone obviously put a lot of time and effort into, that I just couldn't justify taking it apart.  Since it wasn't anything I could use, I left it there so someone else could buy it and get some use out of it.

I've been doing a lot of crochet lately, which isn't on the craft blog yet but will be in a week or so.  When I get finished with it.  But I'm not posting pictures since I don't want to give away the surprise.  Any ideas, Froggy?  :)  I'm going to do a little more this afternoon.

It's going to be a busy week at work.  I actually have quite a bit planned over the next couple of weeks, so I might not post that often for the immediate future.

Turtle Update:  There was another one in the yard yesterday.  A small, female box turtle.  Frasier had been interested in something in the corner of the yard, so we walked over there to see what it was.  This one wasn't particularly aggressive, unlike the last one.  She was pretty calm, she didn't seem to mind being picked up and wasn't moving very fast when I put her down.  I dug out a spot under the fence and stuck her through, then she put ont he afterburners and just about flew!  Poor Frasier, I keep taking his turtle toys away!

I just realized that the end of the month is in just a few days.  I guess I'd better start getting my book list together.  I have read several books, but a lot of them have been quick reads.  I'll probably take Otter to the library towards the end of the week, and get more books than we can carry.  Again.

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