Thursday, June 10, 2010

Today is Thursday

But Otter thought it was Wednesday.  So she had a pleasant surprise when I told her that tomorrow is Friday.  Of course, she's off all week already!  But Friday is just a good day, I guess.  I know it is for me.

Froggy, I would love to take Toadles to the park to visit the gorilla.  And also to the concrete place by the junktique store where he could visit the other one.  And the train, can't forget about that.  He just needs to get his rear in gear and come see me!

It's been an animal day today.  When Otter and I were trimming up some tree "limblets", there were two birds that were screaming their heads off at us.  We figured out why pretty quickly.  We were in the way of Flying Lessons!  There were two fledglings, and Mom & Dad didn't like our presence.  I had to herd one of the baby birds out of our way so that it wouldn't get stepped on, it had been flying earlier but it didn't quite seem to have the hang of it yet.  Niether did it's sibling, but they apparently managed it after a while because the parents moved away from us and were still calling to them.  We think that they were grackles.  We also had to relocate the rather large frog that lives in the front yard.  Actually, we think it's a toad instead of a frog.  They are not the same animals, it's kind of like the difference between turtles & tortoises.  We've seen this one quite a bit, he usually hangs out in the front of the house under the hosta plants or by the chrysanthemum.  Then later when Bill and I were mowing, Otter discovered a tiny tree frog hopping across the deck.

Our other animal adventure today involves Maggie.  She's back to her trick of forgetting to be housebroken.  It is not just a dribbling dog that is physically unable to hold it, we've caught her at it a couple of times lately and this has resulted in the dogs being put outside at night.  This morning, she did it again and the result is that they spent most of the day outside.  I'm not sure what we're going to do, but they will be spending a lot more time outside.  Frasier is fine with being outside, he seems to like it better.  But Maggie isn't quite so happy about it.  We'll figure out something, I guess!  But I have to go buy more spot cleaner for the carpet tomorrow.

I have a book waiting for me at the library.  It's one I requested.  It's on crochet, no surprise there I know!  This is one that I requested especially for Otter.  It's zombie, vampire and related critters to crochet.  It looks fun, and she's already requested a zombie.  And a non-sparkly vampire!  She's not a Twilight fan by any stretch of the imagination.  Don't think I blame her for that!

I sat down and made a list of crochet projects.  I still don't have too many waiting on me, but I at least have a few things I want to do.  Including another scarf for me and another one for Otter.  I was going to wait until closer to Fall to work on the scarves, but I'm thinking that I might go ahead and at least make mine soon.  Otter hasn't quite made up her mind about the colors in hers, but it will most likely mean a trip to Hobby Lobby or Michael's for more yarn.  I won't protest! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TOadles talks about coming to see you, but he is not good about coming to see me. Turtles, Tortoises- same difference. The next time you go to the vet you might ask about what to do with Maggie or even a pet store might have ideas for you. Froggy