Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Mid-Week Thoughts

I just posted a new entry on the craft blog, the desk Bill refinished.  It looks great.  Go check it out.

We had a good 4th, noisy and fun.  Otter just wanted sparklers, so we got her a few.  She knew that Bill still had a treasure box of fun toys and he brought it out.  It had bottle rockets and a few other noisy things in it.  He might have finally used up all the bottle rockets he's had for a few years, she used up all the sparklers and between them they used most of the contents of the box.  It was loud!  The neighbors on either side had pretty big things, and there are two or three in the area we can see from the back deck who always have very large displays.  It's always fun to sit out and watch them.  This year was no exception.  The dogs slept through most of it, they have some things that bother them but fireworks don't even affect them at all.  Otter got to clean all the debris up from the yard yesterday, and there was a lot.

There is definitely a robin nesting in the redbud tree.  I put out a small seed feeder close to the redbud tree and I also refilled my two hummingbird feeders yesterday morning.  I have a few blooming things, some lantana and a couple of begonias which the hummingbirds really seem to like.

My work schedule is going to change slightly.  When Otter went into kindergarten, I worked out a part-time arrangement with my bosses so that I only worked school hours.  Now that she's out of school, they offered me a pretty good raise if I'd work until 3:30 instead of 2:30.  After discussing it with Bill, I decided to take their offer.  It's not changing much, just an hour later each day but I'll still be getting off fairly early.  It will start on August 1, which was pretty much up to me.  I'm still part-time.  The office is not really busy enough to justify full-time anyway, but if they had asked me to work until 5:00 I would have said no.  3:30 works for everyone.

I'm absolutely amazed, and not in a good way, by the verdict in the Anthony trial in Florida.  There is simply no justification for what can only be called a miscarriage of justice.  She got away with murder, and the worst kind of all.  Just appalling.

I finally found the red, white & blue yarn I've been searching for!  Red Heart, which is one of the bigger brands of non-fancy yarn, has had it in their line for years.  It's still in their online catolog, but it's not in stock and nobody has it.  Red Heart has some fancier yarns, but their main line is acrylic yarn which is actually very good.  But I wanted the red, white & blue variegated because I want to make another scarf/hat combo for the military donation.  I finally found it yesterday.  Hobby Lobby's house brand, I Love This Yarn, is a very soft & fluffy yarn which is absolutely wonderful to work with and to wear.  The have a new color:  red, white & blue variegated.  I bought two skeins, which should be enough for a scarf and hat with a small amount left over.  That will make 6 sets, and I think I'm going to start on chemo caps or baby blankets to donate as my next project.

Guess that's it!  I'm just glad that it's Wednesday, I like short work weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The desk looks good. It is similar to the one that I have from J. The only thing that I have to watch out for is not to put anything heavy over the drawers. If you do that the desk will tip over. Froggy