Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Sun Tea



Equals this:

And, when you also do this:

Plus this:

And this:

you get this:

Not much and not enough, but at least we did finally get some rain and it cooled us down.  It's kind of sad when 90 feels cool!

Of course, it then got humid and yucky and warm again, but it was nice while it lasted.

We actually almost didn't make sun tea.  We couldn't find the jar!  Bill looked, I looked, Otter looked.  All over the house.  Then, I had Otter look one more time and she found it.  We filled it up with water, added tea bags and sat it on the deck.  Then we went to church, and it was ready about 11:30.  It didn't get all that much time, but it was so hot that it really didn't need much time.  I realized today that I've probably had my sun tea jar longer than I've had Willyboy!  I think Mom gave it to me when I first moved out on my own.

Otter and I ran a few errands this afternoon.  We went to a thrift store while we were out.  She found two skirts & I found two nice blouses.  We went to Michael's, but didn't find anything.  That's not a good thing!

Otter's dentist appointment for the filling is tomorrow afternoon.  I'm going to call the dentist's office in the morning and make sure that she'll have time to check my partial because it doesn't fit anymore.  I haven't worn it since Friday because it fits so badly.  I've been eating one-sided.  But at least I'm not in agony, it was really painful by Friday and not just because it fit differently and I had to get used to it.  I seriously considered taking the pliers to it myself.

I'm thinking of selling some of my crochet creations.  I don't really enjoy it as much, when I make something to sell, but I think that I'm going to attempt to sell some things.  We're facing a bill for oral surgery for Otter's wisdom teeth, and also it will help me to de-stash a little.

I brought all of my yarn stash into the living room yesterday and went through it.  I have managed to use up some, but not that much - which seems odd because I've really been attempting to use it.  It's just that I have so much of it!  I'm about 3/4 of the way through with the last scarf for the military donation and then I just have the hat to match it.  After that, I'm going to start making a few scarf/hat sets as well as individual hats and probably scarves as well with the idea of putting a few on eBay to see what happens.  If they don't sell or don't sell as much as I'd like, they'll probably get donated so it won't be a waste of time/effort/yarn.  I make a lot of things and donate them anyway.

Now, back to my laundry.  Then I might go have another glass of sun tea.  Along with a carob brownie that Otter made yesterday.


Anonymous said...

have you forgotten the things that you are making for me? Froggy

Otter Mom said...

No, I just forgot to list them. One is done already.

Anonymous said...

I have lost my sun tea jar. No one seems to have them anymore. Not even Walmart. I thought they would have one, but I can't find one. I did look earlier in the year and no luck. So we make our tea in the kitchen. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

You need to go get a big jar of pickles! Make sure it's a glass jar, then scrub the bejeebers out of it and it should work fine. Any glass jar will do, just make sure it's very clean and has a good lid. I have seen large glass bottles at Wallyworld with a spigot, but they are pretty big and might cost more than they are worth.