Friday, July 01, 2011

Friday Fun

Today's vacation adventures included more antique and thrift stores.  We went to two neighboring small towns.  Otter found a few things, a couple of books and some fabric.  Bill found a pressure canner, which he's been looking for to use with his model casting.  I found another Fenton piece for $5.00, a book and some vintage yarn.

We also had lunch.  Froggy, any guesses as to where?

We were home early afternoon, and then we all spent a couple of hours being lazy.  Dogs included, but then that's their natural state.

I had a couple of errands to run, and the last one was El Chico for fajitas to bring home.

All in all, it's been a fun vacation and the days did not rush by so we've had time to really enjoy it.  Since Monday is a holiday, we still have a couple of days left and then next week will be a short week.


Anonymous said...

Braums? Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Yes, Froggy. Braum's and it was very good.