Sunday, July 03, 2011

Sunday Fireworks

Fireworks are usually shot off on the 4th, which is tomorrow, but our small city has a permit which allows people to shoot them off on the 3rd as well as the 4th.  So I expect to hear some noise tonight.  The permitted hours end at 10:00 or maybe 11:00 p.m., so they won't be late.  The main noise will be tomorrow night, but we'll probably be out on the deck enjoying the show.  All Otter wanted this year was sparklers, so that's what she got.

This time last year, I was getting ready to go spend a week visiting Froggy in TEXAS for my vacaation.  This year, our vacation ends with the 4th.  Last year, the 4th was on a Sunday and that's the church service that Otter will never live down thanks to the launchers on the stage!  Church was tamer this year, no noisy cannons.  It was also a nearly empty sanctuary, there were only about 3 or 4 other people besides us at the early service today.

We ran a few errands this afternoon.  Otter's alarm clock quit working, so we went to Big Lots and got her another one.  Bill had a couple of stops and then we went to see Grandpa & Sweetie for a short visit.  We haven't seen them in a few weeks, so it was nice to get to visit today.

It's a slow Sunday.  I don't have a lot of laundry since I did some during the week.  Not a lot of projects going on at the moment and it's too hot to stay outside for long.  The dogs are lazier than normal, Frasier has spent a lot of his day sleeping on the cool ceramic tiles in the kitchen or front entrance way.  Maggie Moo has their blankets arranged to where she has a pillow for her head, she's been there most of the day.  Bill's working on a pachinko machine and Otter is keeping her Wii system from being lonely.  I'm probably going to go read the paper and maybe see if there's anything on tv.  That's the exciting day for us.

But we still have one more day before we have to go back to work!

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