Sunday, July 31, 2011

Slow Summer Sunday

It's a slow Sunday.  It's a hot Sunday.  So, we are having a mostly indoor Sunday.

Well, sort of anyway.  Otter did have one chore that required her to be outside.  She has to clean out the presents the dogs leave in their yard, it's her weekly chore.  Bill's been working in the garage, which isn't really indoors and is kind of hot.  But not as bad as if he were working outside.  He's been doing something with the pachinko machines, I don't remember what specifically, but he's been in the garage part of the time.  I've mostly been inside, doing laundry.  Except for a brief trip to Wallyworld.

The Wallyworld trip was for Bill.  He dislikes that store as much as I do, he just avoids it more than I manage to.  He needed painter's tape for one of his pachinko projects.  He has painter's tape.  But it would probably have taken him at least 2 hours (no exageration) to find it as it's somewhere out in the garage.  So we ran up there to get him some more.  Otter and I went to the grocery side of the store, since we ran out of lunch meat with today's lunch.

Mentioning laundry made me think of this:

We've often commented on how there is enough fluff that comes off of Frasier to make a whole other doggie.  Especially after we wash the dog blankets!

The dogs are being semi-intelligent today.  Frasier is the intelligent one, Maggie is the semi- one.  :)  He's spent most of his time today parked on the tile entry way floor or on the kitchen tile floor.  Maggie's not really any more active than he is, so I guess she's having a smart moment.  Actually, Maggie did have a smart moment earlier today.  I carried her into Otter's room and parked her on Otter's bed, thinking that she would wake Otter up.  Maggie poked Otter in the face with her cold nose.  Then, she curled up beside Otter and went to sleep!

We cleaned out Otter's closet after we got home from church.  Sales tax free weekend starts this coming Friday, so we decided it was a good time to see what she'd outgrown or no longer wore.  She had several shirts & blouses that are now in the donate pile in the living room, which will probably be attended to sometime this week.  She doesn't really need a lot, a couple more pairs of jeans mostly but she could probably use a few more dressy shirts and maybe a skirt or two.  Billyboy always needs jeans, he is really hard on his clothing.  I don't think we'll buy/spend what we have in the past, now that Otter is no longer outgrowing her clothing every few months!

Tropical Storm Don was a flop.  It went into S. TEXAS just a little further south than it was hoped, so San Antonio and surrounding areas are still in drought status and have to ration water, although I'm not sure what stage they are at.  We're pretty dry here, but not anywhere near as bad.  But it's very dry here.

Among other things last week, Otter got her college ID card.  The book list will be available in a few days, on the 8th.

Tomorrow is August 1st.  7 years since we moved from the house Otter christened Couple Days into our current home.  It was hot then as I recall, but not nearly as hot as it is now.  It seems like it took us forever to actually get moved, we had so much eBay stuff that was in the garage at the old house and it took many, many trips to get it all moved.  The actual furniture & clothing part of the move was reasonably quick.  But the eBay stuff took forever!  We wound up donating most of it to Meals on Wheels for their garage sales.  But not until after we'd moved it.  We probably should have just left it all there, and donated it from there.  But we had planned on getting back into eBay after we moved.  We did some eBay selling after that, but not nearly as big as we had been before.  eBay was good for a while, but it's changed so much and I think we're all glad to be out of it.  Except for the occasional item we sell or buy.

Yesterday was International Cheesecake Day.  Definitely one we observed.

OK, back to the laundry now.  Wish I could teach the dogsters to do that for me.  Somehow, I just don't think that they would be interested.  Not that I blame them.


Alexandra said...

I miss those good 'ole days of ebay as well. I'm glad I'm out of it as well, but the extra cash is missed. I still sell on Amazon ocassionally, and a bit on Etsy. It's mostly our used items though, nothing "picked".

Stay's very, very hot here as well, but we do have the rain.

Otter Mom said...

eBay is so biased against the sellers these days, I'm surprise that anyone is still with it. It has changed so much. I looked into etsy for my crochet, but I'm not sure about it.

Anonymous said...

We got about 1/4 inch of rain from Don. We are in stage 2, hovering barely above stage 3.

We can only water once a week before 8 am and after 6 pm. We can hand water anytime. stage 3 will be watering once every other week.