Monday, July 04, 2011

Some Monday Stuff

Today is the last day before we have to go back to work.  So we decided to enjoy it!  It would have been a holiday anyway, but days off are always fun whatever the reason.  Except sick days, but that's different.


We decided to start our day at the hog trough, also known as Golden Corral, at the breakfast buffet.  It was pretty good, although I overdid it and am paying for it now.  But I have been fairly good this last week, considering that I was on vacation.

We got some rain early this morning but not much.  Bill was going to mow early, but since it had rained and we went out for breakfast he didn't actually get the mowing done until around 10:00.  And he also played lumberjack!  The tree in the back yard that is closest to the dining room window had a limb that was broken off a while back, he trimmed that off a few weeks ago but there was another low-hanging limb that was a problem so he decided to go ahead and trim it back.  I have a long handled tree trimming tool that I actually use quite a bit, and Bill attempted to use it.  He couldn't quite reach high enough on the limb, so I had to hold the end of the limb and pull it down.  Which is when Bill realized that it was just a little too big to cut with my tool, so he decided that since it was partially cut through he could just pull on the limb and it would snap off.  Which it did.  Except that it didn't snap off at the cut place - the entire branch came down!  He got way more than he bargained for, but for the limb to break off like that it had to have been weak already.  Nobody got hit or anything, but Otter and I did get busy cutting the limb up into smaller pieces and hauling them off to the compost pile that is on the other side of the yard.  Some of it was big enough to cut for firewood, although not a lot.

While Bill was mowing, he discovered that a mama robin is building a nest in the redbud tree.  I saw one carrying twigs off while he was mowing, and I think it might be the same one.  I had a few yarn pieces, so I put them out around the tree and maybe she'll use them.  The dogs haven't had free run in the back yard for a while, and now they will have even less.  At least until any baby robins have fledged.  Sometimes birds will build a nest and then not actually use it, they often build more than one.  So we'll watch this one for a while and see if it gets a family.  We hope so.

After all the yard work and tree drama, Otter and I went in search of an antique store we'd seen advertised.  It was in a very small town about 20 miles away.  We didn't buy much, but I did find a piece of rare Fenton I'd been looking for.  $12.00 is above what I normally prefer to pay, but this one was worth it.  Fenton made a hen on a nest piece and it's very hard to find.  I've never actually seen one in person before.  This one is perfect and it still has the original Fenton label, so it came home with me.  We also went thrifting, and I found another Fenton piece marked $2.00 but then it was the color of the day (green) so it was actually only $1.00.  It's a hat, but not one that I already had.  Otter found a few books, so she was happy.

While we were out, we also went by the theater and bought advance-day tickets for the Harry Potter movie that opens on the 15th.  We'll go see it that weekend.  We decided on the 3-D showing, and it's one that will get the full works:  popcorn, cokes, candy.

We're also happy because Rango comes out on dvd/blu-ray on the 15th.  That is my weekend to choose the movie we watch on Saturday, I think it's safe to say that I've already made by choice!

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