Wednesday, July 20, 2011

W(h)ine Wednesday

OK, it's still hot.  According to the news, it's probably going to be this way for a while.  How long a while is, is anybody's guess.  But at least until early next week.

That's whine # 1.

Whine # 2 is the big one of the day:  Otter and I went to the dentist this afternoon.  We needed to get our teeth cleaned and I also asked for an x-ray of Otter, since she's had some discomfort lately in the far back part of her jaw.  Not in the joint, but more on the jaw itself.  A couple of years ago, the dentist noticed that her wisdom teeth were starting to move and at the time they were going sideways.  But they weren't far enough that she could tell yet if they would turn or not.  Well, they turned.  But they didn't turn enough.  They are not coming in completely straight, but they are on their way.  Even if they were straight, Otter doesn't have enough room for them anyway.  So, they are going to have to come out.  The bottom ones, at least.  Otter has managed to make it 19 years without a cavity, her first one was discovered today.  It's a spot that the dentist noticed last time, it wasn't quite a cavity at that point but she thought it could become one.  It did, and Otter gets the joy of having a filling next Monday.  At that time, the dentist is going to take a better x-ray so we can see exactly where we stand as far as the wisdom teeth go.  Then, we'll decide how/when to take them out.

Otter has asked if she can have the gas instead of shots next week, when she gets the filling.  I'll talk to the dentist's office in the next day or so about the possible repairs to my partial denture and I'll ask about it then.  I'm thinking that the gas might just be the way to go.  Otter is a redhead, after all.  And that means a) the bleeding potential and b) fast metabolizing of any and all types of anesthesia including dental shots.

I'm hoping that we can get the oral surgery done before college starts next month, but it might have to wait a bit.  Depends on a few things.  Finances, as well as the dentist's schedule and mine.  I had to get my wisdom teeth taken out when I was 15 (all 4 of them) and it was not fun.  Mostly, I remember having to eat lots and lots and lots of jello prior to the surgery because jello, being made from what is essentially bone marrow, can potentially help with the Redhead Curse known as excessive bleeding.

Couldn't eat jello for a loooooooooooooooooooong time after that!

I'm also going to be needing some dental work done.  I have two crowns on the bottom left side of my jaw - and a few of my real teeth.  There is a spot underneath the farthest crown that the dentist tried to fix when she was doing all the big work, and she said at the time that it was probably going to need more attention in the future.  Well, the future is here and it needs attention.  The problem is that the area is actually under the crown.  The crown will need to be removed for the work to be done, which will result in the crown being destroyed.  That means that I'll have to get a new one.  Not gonna be fun!

But at least Otter has inherited her dad's teeth and not from my side of the family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your dental work sounds very expensive. Kid2 had 2 of his wisdom teeth out this summer. He did not have a good time. hopefully you can get otters out before college starts. Froggy