Tuesday, December 06, 2011

The Foot Book

That's the title of one of the wonderful Dr. Suess books, specifically it's the one that Otter wanted read over and over and over and over and over and...  We still have most of it memorized!

But the title today reflects the fact that I could just about write a book myself, and it would all deal with Otter's foot.  Her left one.

She saw the dermatologist today, and the majority of the crop is gone.  The big plantar's wart is dead & bye-bye now, the last of it was cut off and most of the other spots have also died.  But there were still two, they were tiny and were more or less hidden by the big one.  So, she got another freeze treatment.  But it was not nearly as bad as the previous ones, although it wasn't pleasant.  She goes back in two weeks, and since it's the week before Christmas her list probably includes "no more frozen feet!"  I took pity on the girl, I bought her ice cream.

Finals start tomorrow, then her last class days are staggered through next week.  I think that Wednesday will be her last class, then she's done with the first semester.  She will have about 3 1/2 weeks off, before the 2nd semester starts.  She's looking forward to sleeping in the first day.

Can't say I really blame her!

(It's been in the 30's the last two days, last night was really cold but tonight is going to be even colder.  We're looking at mid-teens.  Now, I'm going to post this and go back to the living room where I will re-join Bill and Otter, in front of the roaring fireplace.  I might have to shove a dog or two aside.)

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