Friday, December 30, 2011

Just Friday

And a pretty busy one at that.

I've been catching up on laundry, Otter and I did several loads yesterday and I've got one going now.  I still have a couple of loads to do Sunday.  I'm amazed by the amount of dirty laundry we had, considering that we were gone for nearly a week!  There weren't a lot of other household chores to be done, I like to leave a clean house so that I'll come back to a clean house.

We went to Michael's & Hobby Lobby today, Otter needed something from both stores.  We also went to Wallyworld for a couple of misc grocery items we forgot yesterday and to a thrift where we found nothing.  We went to a craft mall and Otter found something there.  There were a few other errands but they were just normal stuff like going to the Post Office and so forth.

Yesterday's grocery trip was the one I started out to do on Wednesday but realized I'd forgotten the list.  Which is probably just as well, considering how tired I was Wednesday and just how much we actually needed because we'd more or less run out of everything prior to our vacation.

I took my car in for an oil change yesterday and it was about $12.00 less that the "other" place that we don't go to anymore.  The power steering fluid still checks out as ok, so I'm thinking that we are ok as far as it's concerned.  But we'll still watch it for a while.

Also, Bill got another pachinko machine yesterday.  There was a machine advertised in a small town not too far from us and we met the seller yesterday.  That makes 3 he's gotten in the last week.

I realized today that I think I've probably got all the Fenton I want.  Except for the occasional piece, I'm thinking that I'm probably not going to buy much of it anymore.  I really like what I have, but I don't have a lot of room for it.  Also, the ones I'm interested in are the older pieces and they are getting very hard to find.  Especially for what I want to pay for them!

I also took the several weeks' worth of recycling that had been piling up in the garage to the recycle place this morning.  I was out right before the sun rose and got to see it.  The sky was so pretty, lots of reds and pinks.  It's a pretty day, just a little breezy and slightly cool but nice.  We have a cold front heading our way, it should get here about the same time as 2012 does.  Well, we'll be home and probably asleep then anyway!

Since we were not home on Christmas Eve, we're having our traditional Christmas Eve Living Room Picnic tonight.  I guess that makes it a Not Quite New Year's Eve Living Room Picnic instead.  Also, it's in the kitchen on the table because the dogsters are NOT invited.  We'll be having Christmas on Monday with Grandpa and Sweetie, since were were in SA over Christmas.  So the Annual Bill Breakfast which we normally have on Christmas is a New Year's Breakfast instead.  (And we might not eat for days after that, it's a huge breakfast and lots of fun).

Those are my thoughts today, just normal stuff I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a busy year for us too. The main highlight was Crazy Uncle got a 6 month contract job. 2012 will be busy-with Kid1 getting married and Kid3 graduating from college. Who knows what Kid2 will do. Froggy