Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Free Range Chickens

I've kind of been all over the place today, figuratively (sp?), so my thoughts are like Free Range Chickens this afternoon.  It was a crazy day at work, so was yesterday.  I have a couple of things that have to be done on a specific schedule, and the 95-year old 2 year old decided that he had to help me today - which means that it took me all day to do what should have just taken a couple of hours.  He's still fun, it's just that there are times when I really need to do what he pays me for!  Today was one of those days.

I've also been fighting a headache all day, and Otter has had a migraine all day.  She's currently taking a looooooooooooooooooooong shower, which always helps.  Bill's probably going to regret coming home from work today, both his wimmins are grumpy!

It was warmer today, but not by much.  It was misty, not rainy but just yucky.  But, since we have a possibility of "winterish" weather in the next few days, I'm not complaining.  Much.

I am just about through with my commissioned crochet project.  I don't like to sell much of it, I prefer that it stay fun and not become "work" but the occasional piece is fine.  I made a few swiffer covers for someone a couple of months ago, that was one I enjoyed.  I have made the odd piece here and there, when someone wants it.  I don't mind making a few items to sell.  The current project is two scarf/hat sets for someone Bill works with, and since he's got more time to take off before it vanishes at the end of the year, he's off next week so I've been attempting to get them done in a hurry.  I've taking it to work with me the last two days and I should be able to finish it tonight.  I had some issues with the hats, I think it was "pilot error" because I'm using the same pattern I always do, but I figured out what I needed to change so it's been fixed - however, I have had to frog more than one hat lately and it's not fun!  These are blue & white striped and look good, but I will still be glad to be done with them.  The scarves are going easier than the hats did, at least.

I also made quite a few hats and scarf/hat sets for gifts, several of Otter's friends are now wearing them.  Apparently, BF was overjoyed with his set.  But that might have had something to do with who actually gave it to him!  :)

Bill went to the dentist yesterday.  He's not a fan of medical practicioners, as we all know.  He tends to put things off until he has no choice and the dentist visit was no exception.  He got a major, honking filling.  It's big.  It was very nearly a root canal, and there is still a possibility that it will eventually need one.  But for now, it's filled.  The dentist we use is very no-nonsense and is very thorough.  So, if she thinks Bill needs something, we will listen.  She did convince him that he needs a cleaning and an exam with x-ray, so he's got an appointment in early January.  I wasn't able to go with him yesterday, so I guess I should just be glad he actually went!  :)  But, I will go when he has the next appointment.

The reason I wasn't able to go with him yesterday is because Otter's last class got out early - which we knew was going to happen.  Actually, she just had to turn in an essay which was the Final for that class and then she was free to go.  She had two other Finals yesterday, one was an in-class essay and one was an essay due yesterday like the last class of the day.  So, she actually only had one class yesterday and it didn't involve a test.  The rest of the day was spent hanging out with friends.  When I got there, we went to the college bookstore and sold one of her books back.  She had two that we were hoping they would buy, but they only bought one.  We'll possibly put the remaining one on Craigslist.  She has one more class, tomorrow, which is the one "real" class she had on Monday.  Then, she's officially through with her first semester of college and is free for close to a month.

Bill said the tamale guy called him today, I guess he still has my old number on file but that's Bill's number now.  I'm thinking I'll order a few dozen.  I like to keep them in the freezer, and we usually eat them on New Year's Eve.  With homemade chili.

I'm making myself hungry!

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