Sunday, December 04, 2011

Sunday Waiting

What are we wating for?

For the weather to decide what it's going to do, that's what.  The forecast has changed daily since about Thursday, but there is a good possibility of white stuff sometime over the next couple of days.  But, as we all know, the forecasters really are just guessing so anything can happen at this point.  What we do know is that it's cold and going to be for a few days.  We did get the expected rain yesterday, so they at least got that right, although I don't think that the nearly hurricane force winds were in the forecast!  I'm so glad that we got the tulip bed planted last weekend.

So, we're prepared for anything at this point.  But Bill has to work a b(oring)oard meeting tomorrow evening, so we hope that it holds off.  The normal plan for meeting days is that I get off work, go get whatever he decides he wants for dinner and bring it to him.  Then, I go back to Otter's college and get her and we go to/through whatever fast food place she & I decide upon for dinner.  Then, Bill gets home whenever the school board members stop talking - which might not be early, one time he didn't get home until nearly 2:00 a.m.  And he had to go to work the next morning at 7:00!  But the night of the 4th earthquake was an early one, he said that as soon as they felt the floor shimmer it was amazing how quickly they finished up!

Otter and I did some Christmas shopping today.  We always pick an Angel from the Angel tree our church sponsors, and we got an 8-year old girl this time.  It's been a while since I had one of those (an 8 year old girl) and we really aren't sure what toys are popular with that age range anymore.  We finally decided on a mix of toys instead of one specific toy.  Always included are things like coloring books & crayons, stickers and that sort of thing.  This year's package includes My Little Pony, as well as a couple of craft-oriented things, a jump rope, sock monkey and a pair of cute socks.  There are a couple of other things, I just can't remember what they are.  The church sponsors a women's/children's shelter and the Angel tags don't really have a lot of information beyond the child's gender, age and "toy" for the wish.  I asked about that and apparently, that is all the information that the shelter will give them.  I can understand not giving out anything in the way of identification, but "toy" doesn't help much!  We went to Toys R Us and wandered around until we found several things.  When Otter was little, we always tried to pick a child that was close to her age since that way we knew what the popular things were.  But we are having to wing it now.

(OK, I'm back.  I just had to go stop the washing machine from dancing!).

We had chili tonight.  So we're happy campers.  It was good and it was hot.  Rotel is now making a "hot" variety of their tomatos, so that's what I use know.  Along with a boatload of chili seasoning and chili beans, and then Bill usually adds at least one jalepeno and lots of picante sauce to his.

We also got up into the attic today.  I brought down the wreath and the small, ceramic Christmas tree.  I was going to get the stockings and a few other things, but I didn't want to have to go through all the boxes since they are all sealed.  Also, it was cold and dusty up there.  So, our stockings will probably be Wallyworld bags this year!  We weren't going to use the big tree this year anyway, the ceramic tree is small (tabletop size) but it's got a lot of sentimental value.  Also, since it's going to be on top of the entertainment center, there is no chance of a certain pair of dogs playing with the ornaments this year!  They've done that before and they are not trustworthy at the moment.

Speaking of dogs, they are very happy this evening.  I was putting pasta on to boil and I dropped about a handful of it before it got to the pan of water.  I'm pretty sure that the dogs teleported into the kitchen, and they cleaned up every single piece of pasta from the floor in a matter of milliseconds.  I guess you could say that we have Pasta Dogs for real?!


Anonymous said...

we did our outside lights and put up the tree. We have a small one, only 3 feet tall. It sits on top of the freezer. I haven't decorated it yet. I also put out my ceramic trees.I have 4 out and have 1 more to find.
I did the angel tree. Ours is done different this year. One tag is for clothes and one is for toys. someone had taken all the ones for toys so I picked a 4 year old girl. I bought her 2 outfits. I also picked a senior citizen, a man. He wants a glue gun, glue sticks and craft things. I am still trying to figure out what kind of craft things to get him.
We had a big pot of vegetable soup, enough for several days left overs. That's all for now. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

What about wooden stuff & paint for the senior? Maybe a simple birdhouse kit, etc.?

The ceramic tree is still in the box, but it is at least in the living room. Otter might get it taken care of tonight, but she's getting ready for finals so the tree might not be high on her list of priorities right now.