Thursday, December 01, 2011

Just a Thursday

Not a T & T Thursday.  There will be another one, I'm just kind of tired tonight and don't want to come up with any serious thoughts.  Although I do have some ideas for one.  And it is political, FYI.

I figured that I probably should at least post something,  since the last installment was Monday.

Today's excitement has been that Otter and I went to the grocery store.  Such a thrilling life we lead! :)  Also, she and Billyboy met me for lunch at a Chinese place and we enjoyed the buffet.  Then she and Bill went to meet someone and buy a pachinko machine from him.  They met him just up the street from where I work, so they came by to show me the machine and then Otter wound up staying with me for the afternoon.  Which made a certain 95-year old oilman very happy!

We went to the post office before the grocery store.  We had to mail something for Bill and I was out of stamps.  Otter found us some really cute ones:  Pixar!  They have a Toy Story character (Buzz Lightyear), but not our favorite cowgirl!  (I still say that Disney owes us major royalties for that one!).

Bill said that the dogsters were waiting for us to get home, about an hour before we did actually arrive, which is the time I/we normally roll in the door on non-college days.  I guess that they've figured out that the bus doesn't bring Otter home anymore, but they do seem to know when we/I usually get home on the other days.

OK, all I can think of for now!


Anonymous said...

I know you are just making sure that I can't nag you about not posting.
Well I can nag you anyway!! Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Since when did anything ever stop you?