Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just Stuff on a Cold & Wet Tuesday (and I'm On My Soapbox Tonight)

Actually, it's more cool than cold.  But it has been wet off & on today.  Mostly this morning, when it was also very foggy.  Yesterday was very wet, which was expected but was still an inconvenience.  Otter and HP were running around between a mall and several stores in the general area of the mall, they had to deal with it more than I did but it was still messy and not a fun drive.  Bill was lucky, or smart, he stayed home all day yesterday.  Except for a brief run (or 2) to the hardware store, because he was fixing a couple of things.

Soapbox alert:  I did want to address something that has me concerned.  And it probably means that we won't shop at Macy's anymore - we don't shop there often, but we do shop there on occasion but won't anymore.  Macy's has changed their policy regarding dressing rooms.  Basically, if a man who cross dresses (as in pretends to be a woman) wants to try on clothing, he is allowed to go into the women's changing room.  Apparently, there have been a couple of complaints by women in the dressing room at the time and Macy's has basically told them to shut up about it and that they have to put up with it.  That is so wrong, on so many levels.  As Bill commented, all it's going to take is one pedophile or predator taking advantage of Macy's ERROR and we can all figure out from there what is going to happen.  This issue was raised on a web board I'm a member of (maybe not for much longer), and the gay members were pretty upset because anyone would complain - I don't care what someone chooses to do with their personal life (and it IS a choice) as that is between them and God.  I don't think that some choices are right, but that's not the issue here.  The issue is privacy and security, and Macy's will pay for this one, one way or another.  Starting with loss of sales, and if there is an incident then they'll probably wind up in court.  Although if we were ever in that position and someone did cross the line, they might have to scrape him off the floor when we (any one of us) were done with him.

OK, I'm stepping off of the soapbox for the moment.  At least, that particular one.

Otter has her foot check up tomorrow, but we're thinking that she's cured.  The wart is gone and the skin looks new where it's been peeled due to the freezing process.  She says that it's not painful anymore and we expect that the doctor will say she's through.

My birthday is one week from today!  I expect Fifty to be good, I really enjoyed turning 40 and now it's time to turn the page on decades.  Otter and Bill have both asked me what I want, but I haven't come up with anything yet.  In church on Sunday, Pastor Dave was talking about husbands buying Christmas gifts for their wives and how they should stay away from appliances.  But my last two Christmas & birthday gifts have been appliances at my own request.  I just don't need any at the moment.  Well, the dishwasher is going to have to be replaced sooner or late but not yet.  I just can not come up with anything.

Anybody got any suggestions?

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