Monday, October 08, 2012

2012 Fair Report and Farmily Rambling

Yesterday was Fair day.  It was the last day of the Fair and we like to go that day.  There is limited free parking, so we usually go early so we can get a space.  We managed to get one, and it was early.  The fairgrounds opened at 10:00 officially, but we got there just after 9:00 and they were letting people in already.  We waited until about 9:30, since the car was warm and the outside was not!  It was at least warmer than Saturday was, and dry.  But it was still fairly cold.  The buildings didn't officially open until 10:00 but they started letting people in about 9:45, probably because it was pretty cold still.  We went into the children's zoo building first.

 These were just a couple of days old.

Little Piggies!  Not sure how many piggies there were, but they were adorable.

After that, we hit the building that has most of the prize winning items.  Lots of photographs, artwork, craft items.

Froggy, you might be able to click on this one and enlarge it.  You'll know why we took this particular picture for you!

Let's just say that there are a lot of  "US" up here in NE Oklahoma.  As evidenced by the numerous Burnt Orange t-shirts, caps and jackets we saw - most of them had a specific logo on them, too.

Otter really liked this one:

There were a lot of quilts and we took a lot of pictures, since I didn't have any from the last time we went and Froggy was miffed!

Of course, there was also this:

Isn't this frog hanger just the cutest thing?

And since no Fair visit is complete without this experience:

Otter is up there somewhere!  Look closely at the picture.  Those things on the top of the ride?  THEY ARE FEET!  She loved it, by the way.  This was actually taken after they'd been completely upside down and spinning around.

But there wasn't a butter sculpture this year.  Instead, it was a veggie dragon.  There's a little too much glare on the picture because of the glass enclosing it, but it's actually quite good and very detailed.

However, I heard more than a few people grumbling about the lack of butter, so this might be a one-time departure.

The Fair was a lot of fun, but we were exhausted when we got home.  With major soreness to the feet and legs!  It was cool most of the day, once the sun came out it was nice but the sun didn't stay out and it was very cold by the time we left.

Today was also busy.  Bill and I took the day off as vacation, Otter had one class in the morning.  We picked her up after class and headed north on one of our Rambles.  We went nearly to the Kansas border, but that's really not all that far.  Of course, when you grow up in TEXAS you have a different definition of "far" to drive. :)  But we actually only went about 45 miles north of Tulsa, to Bartlesville to one antique store and then to Dewey, which is about 5 minutes further north.  Dewey had a boatload of antique stores and we had a lot of fun.  I found some discontinued yarn at the place in Bartlesville, and then I found a piece of Fenton that I've been looking for at a store in Dewey.  I'll possibly eventually get around to a picture of the Fenton, but it is Vaseline glass in the hobnail pattern.  She wanted $25 and I got it for $20.00 which is going to sound like a lot for a fairly small piece, but I know my Fenton and trust me - it was a pretty good deal.

Now, since my feet hurt from all the running we did today I think I'm going to hit the "publish" button and get this posted.  Then I think I'm going to stay in a seated position for a very long time.

At least this will be a shorter work week.


Anonymous said...

Is the second quilt state flowers? I made them larger but it was hard to tell. The quilts are beautiful. Glad that you had a good time.

Otter Mom said...

Yes, state flowers & birds. Like the one we made with Mom. It was hard to get a closer picture of it, since it was in a corner in the display. But it was very pretty with beautiful details. I thought you'd like it.