Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I have too many passwords!  I can't remember half of them at any given time, and then I don't always remember the other half when I need them.  It only took me two tries to log in here tonight, usually I do remember this one but I didn't tonight!  :)

Here's a few more pictures from the Fair:

This took some time!  It's all paper - paper folded into triangles, and then assembled.  I can not even begin to imagine how long this took.  It was pretty big.

Otter fell in love with this dress.

This is not a "skull" or it wouldn't be on here.  It is actually a Dia De Los Muertos emblem.  The Spanish translation:  Day of the Dead.  The Day of the Dead is a traditional holiday, observed on Nov. 1 or 2 each year.  It's a way of remembering our family members who are no longer with us and one of the main symbols is a skull.  They are usually decorated.  This particular one was part of a patriotic disply and it was very well done.  There are also specific foods associated with the holiday, and frequently people will have picnics in the cemetary where their loved ones are buried - which is not morbid, although I can see how it might sound like it.

(While we are not Mexican or Spanish, I did grow up thinking that Mom's heritage was Mexican and not Cherokee.  She did that on purpose, I'm sure she had her reasons.  But whatever they were, it's a culture that I am very familiar with and like most things about.)

After a couple of cold days, we're back to normal Fall weather.  Warm but not hot days, cooler nights.  However, we might get SLS (SpringLikeStorms) towards the end of the week.  Probably not anything too bad, but it sometimes happens this time of year as the seasons are changing.  We could use the rain, but I'd prefer not to have to deal with anything else.

Today, the Teenager turned 96.  And he celebrated all day long!  When you get to his age, you are allowed and encouraged to enjoy yourself.  He certainly did.  He kept my jumping all day long. :)  We had chocolate cake for him this morning.

Froggy, I was going to send your scarf and hat this week.  Along with two other crocheted items, hot pads I've made for your collection.  But it might actually be next week, I thought of another one I wanted to make.  I'm about 3/4 through with it.  I'll let you know when I send them.  But since the weather is still warm, you probably don't need the scarf and hat yet.  Besides, I made you one of each already!  I don't think that they matched, the scarf was A & M colors (maroon and white) and I don't remember what the hat color was but it might have been purple?

I guess that's all the stuff I can think of today!


Anonymous said...

I don't think we ever celebrated Dia De Los Muertos.
At least I don't remember celebrating it. It is Hispanic and is celebrated a lot in San Antonio.
The hat is purple. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

No, we didn't celebrate it. But Mom actively pretended to be part Mexican.

Anonymous said...

I always knew that we weren't Hispanic, but I never knew why she said that she was. Now I know why.

Otter Mom said...

I never thought we were, because I had several friends who were and I could tell the difference. But I wasn't sure what Mom's issue was, now we know.