Friday, October 26, 2012

Two Out of Three

Nights of sleep without barking, that is.

I gave Frasier his pills about 9:45 last night and he was fine for the most part.  But I woke up just after 3:00 for a bathroom trip and that woke Bill up.  He came into the bathroom and was surprised to find me in there, but we were fairly quiet.  Until I went to get a drink of water and smacked the glass on the faucet - loudly!  We've been avoiding flushing the toilet at night in an effort to be quiet, but Bill figured at that point that it didn't matter so he flushed.  And talked to me even though I told him to be quiet.  One of those things, or maybe all three, woke Friaser.  He barked once, and I decided to just go to the couch so that at least Bill could get back to sleep.  Otter was obviously still snoozing, at least.  (But then she's got a track record of sleeping through just about everything - including the tornado siren once!)  Frasier was overjoyed to see Mom, and he kept putting his face in mine.  I told him to go lay down and amazingly he did.  After a few minutes of silence, I went back to bed.  Which was enough to wake the dog up again!  I yelled at him to hush and he did.  But by that point, Bill was not able to go back to sleep so he just got up.  He went to the office room, he shut the bedroom door so I could have some quiet but Fraiser could see the light in the office and probably decided that since it was nearly 4:00 it was close enough to breakfast.  Bill put him out at that point.

Tonight, we're increasing the dose of benadryl.  And I'm going to threaten Bill with all sorts of dire punishment if he makes any noise in the night!  I'm also going to have to be quiet myself, so maybe I'll just skip the drink of water if I get up!

I talked to the vet again today, he said that Frasier can take the benadryl at night "forever" without it causing any problems.  Not sure if we'll keep giving it to him that long or not, but we will at least for a while.

And now, my wine I bought at Wine Wendesday is calling me.  And so's the couch.

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