Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nag Nag Nag

Froggy, this is for you:

(You deserve it, too sister of mine!)

It's only Wednesday.  It's been such a long week already, and there are still two more days of it!  Well, technically three since Saturday is the last day of the week.  But I meant work days.

I'm tired.  Probably because I woke up at 3:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep.  Until just before it was time to get up.  I woke up because I heard a dog barking.  But it wasn't bigdog, it was the dog I was dreaming about!  Bigdog was actually quiet until about the time we were getting up.

Dealing with Wallyworld for groceries tonight was also tiring.  They were not too crowded, but I was tired to start with.  But at least it's done for the week now.

Come on Friday!

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