Monday, October 29, 2012

Better Mood Today But Still Tired

I did sleep on the couch last night as planned.  I gave Fraiser 3 benadryl about 9:00 or so, then I got my nest made and attempted to go to sleep.  Frasier did have to come check on me a couple of times, but then he went to his blankets and went to sleep.  I didn't.  I kept thinking that he'd be waking me up and it was hard to actually get to sleep.  I heard the cuckoo clock strike 11:00.  Sometime after that, I did manage to fall asleep.  And shortly after that, Fraiser barked.  I called his name and he hushed, but then he had to come over and nose me.  Maggie was also awakened at this point, but she mostly just tried to get on the part of the sheet/blanket that was on the floor since her little behind is apparently too delicate for the carpet.  Frasier was probably awake the rest of the night, I woke up several times and he was just sitting there or laying in the floor but I could tell he was awake.  He checked on me a few times.  I'm not sure how much sleep I actually got, but it wasn't much.  It was a mega-caffiene day today.

I talked to the vet again today.  There is a tranquilizer that we can try, it's prescription but they have it.  She said the dosage is based on his weight.  I told her that I'd let her know, probably tomorrow.  At this point, I'm thinking it's worth a try but Bill hasn't decided yet.

Everytime I think that the dog is on a downhill slide, he bounces back and acts like a puppy again.  Or at least like a younger dog!  Today, he's kind of in the middle - happy and enjoyed getting to go outside, but he's not very energetic.  I have noticed that when he did get a full night's sleep (before the benadryl stopped working), he was just about back to normal.  But that only lasted a couple of days.  I think he's fairly healthy, from a physical standpoint.  But we're not sure about the rest of it.  He's acted fine today, doesn't seem to be confused or anything.  But he's not particularly playful.

I'm going to sleep in the living room again tonight, I haven't decided about the benadryl.  It only seemed to work for a couple of hours last night.

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