Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Early October

It's October already.  I find that hard to believe.  This year has been a whirlwind, so many things have happened and there are still 3 more months to go (counting this month).

Fall allergies are hitting us right now.  Otter is having an especially hard time with hers.  She's running through kleenex at a record pace.  She's living on tylenol during the day and allergy pills at night.  She woke up yesterday morning with a sore throat and she was very congested.  After she'd been up for a while, the congestion improved some.  Her throat was sore most of the day, but it got better after a cup of tea with plenty of honey.  She didn't have any fever or anything and her throat isn't sore any longer so it's probably "just" allergies.  Mine are bothering me, but not anywhere near as bad as hers are.  It's mostly ragweed, it's a really bad year for it and we'll be dealing with it until we get a good, hard freeze.

The weather is definitely turning!  It's been cool & nice the last couple of days; the early mornings have been wonderfully cool.  It's going to get cooler, we are expecting a cold front and it will probably bring rain with it.  The rain is supposed to end Saturday, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that it does, since we are going to the Fair on Sunday and it would be really nice if Otter can actually ride the rides - since we already spent $$ on a ride pass for her!

Bill mowed the lawn after he got home this afternoon.  Depending on the weather, he might not have too many more times to do that this year.  Probably at least a couple, but not many.

I brought in the hummingbird feeders today.  I was going to bring them in the other day, but I saw a hummer so I refilled one of them and put it back out.  But I think the bird might have been a migratory hummer on her way south because she didn't come back.  However, there are a bunch of very happy honeybees now!  They emptied it in a matter of 3 days!!  There were also a few casualties - some of them managed to get inside of it and drowned.  I rinsed out a bajillion ants and about 5 or 6 bees.  Both feeders have been washed, bleached, rinsed and rinsed and rinsed..., and are now drying on a towell on my kitchen counter.  After they are well dry, they'll get put out in the garage on my shelves.  Soon enough, it will be time to put the seed and suet feeders out.

We changed Otter's appointment for her oral surgery.  It's still in the same week in December, we just moved it back to Monday from Wednesday and it's at 4:00 instead of 3:30.  While we don't anticipate any problems, since the dentist is out of the office on Fridays and the weekend, and the next week is Christmas, we decided it would be better to get it done a few days earlier.  I'm thinking that she might also be able to get the stitches out that same week, about Thursday maybe.  I can't remember how long she had to wait between the first wisdom teeth being removed and going back to get the stitches removed, but it seems like it was only a few days.

Either way, she's already put in her order for Bill's famous mashed potatos!

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