Sunday, October 28, 2012

Back to Where We Started From

The benadryl isn't working any longer.  Frasier is actually worse than he was.  So we are having to rethinnk our plan for him.

No idea what the next stage is, except that I'll probably sleep on the couch for a couple of nights.  That way, at least Bill and Otter can get some sleep.  I'll sleep better in there than if I were in my bed because the dog is less likely to bark if I'm there.  He'll still wake me up, he'll have to check on me a few times in the night to make sure I'm still there.  But maybe he'll be quiet(er).

The last couple of nights have been really bad ones.  Last night, or this morning actually since it was around 2:00, I moved to the couch and spent the rest of the night there.  I didn't wake up until 6:00, which is about 30 minutes later than they usually eat.  They were waiting on me, and they were very happy when I got up and fed them.

We've been going over the way he's acted lately, and along with the vision issues we also think he may have some hearing problems.  Well, he's an old man in dog years so I guess it's not surprising.  But now I really wish that we had not put him through the surgery in early September, just because it was unpleasant for him.

Some of the symptoms of senility in dogs, also called dementia, are getting their days & nights mixed up.  Which he seems to be doing.  Confusion as to what things are, such as barking at the wall.  He's done that a couple of times, and also growled at nothing.  Loss of appetite, which he's been acting like off & on for a few weeks.  There are more symptoms.  It's just like with people.

I had an hour long nap this afternoon, Bill said he fell asleep on the couch while ago.  I think Otter's managed to stay awake today, but she may go to bed early tonight.

In the meantime, don't be surprised is none of us make any sense if you talk to us!

And we might have a decision to make soon, and we don't want to.

(Normal Sunday Posts will probably resume next weekend.)

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