Thursday, July 11, 2013

Guess I Should Probably Update

It was Monday the last time I posted anything here.  I don't want Froggy to get after me! :)
It's just been a busy week, work is crazy but it generally is from about the 10th until the 15th or so.  I have a bunch of things that have to be done at a certain time on certain dates and that keeps me hopping.
It's been hot-ish.  By TEXAN standards, it's comfortably hot.  But the humidity this afternoon is really a problem for me.  If it wasn't humid, it would be tolerable.  Right around 100.  It wasn't too humid until this afternoon, and then it made up for the lack of humidity earlier in the week.
Otter and I went to the grocery store today.  She was off work today, I came home after I got off work and got her then we hit Wallyworld.  It was starting to get really cloudy by the time we got out of the store, we thought it was going to rain but now I'm thinking it's not going to.
Bill's been working on pachinko machine restorations for various customers.  He's been kept busy every second of the day when he's not at his actual job.
Just normal stuff, in other words!
OK, Froggy.  I did update.  So now you can't get after me about it.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can still nag you about not blogging for to many days.
HA! Froggy