Sunday, July 28, 2013

Out on a Limb

(The pictures loaded out of order, for some reason.)
Anyway.  This is what we've been doing today:

Piling limbs!

The city finally announced that they will be picking up limbs.  We still have to call them and let them know, which makes no sense whatsoever.  The limbs have to be 8' or shorter and piled by the street.  But not in the street (obviously), not too close to mailboxes or street signs, etc.  The limb piles are bigger than they look.
We've been piling limbs in a corner of the back yard for a while, mostly it is storm damage.  Just not from one storm!  (The City doesn't care, they just want it to be tree debris and not trash.)  There are a few limblets that got trimmed and placed in the pile, but they were pretty small.  We're still not through, there are a few more.  Maybe one more pile or two, in the size we've put them in at the street.  They are bigger than they look in the pictures.
I'll call the city tomorrow.  Our neighbors all seem to be doing the same thing we are, there are more chainsaw sounds than anything else!
We found this in the back yard as well.  Spiderweb!
A really big one.

It was hanging between one of the trees in the back yard and one of the shepherd's hooks that I hang birdfeeders on.

It was taken yesterday morning, it was getting foggy and the web picked up any available light and reflected it.

Woodpile from today.  This is probably about 1/2 a rick, but it is maple so it will burn fairly quickly.  It's got a few months to age still.  The larger pieces came from the neighbor - he cut down an entire tree and put it in one of his limb piles but he gave us the big pieces.  There are a couple more pieces but I'm not sure if we'll get them or not.
No injuries!  And Bill even operated the chainsaw most of the day.  However, I do have billions of scrapes on my arms from dragging the limbs out to the curb.  Also, we have a few mosquito bites but some of them are from yesterday.  But we are going to be hurting tomorrow!  There were about a billion grasshoppers in the yard.  I saw one tiny frog.  Bill saw one mouse, it was running under the old limb pile.  And one dead spider, which I think had been there for a while.  No rats, which we thought might be in the woodpile.  And, probably more important - no snakes with rattlebutts!  We're still going to be cautious when we finish moving the old limb pile to the curb, which we'll probably do tomorrow after work.  That is, assuming that we can actually move.
Bill said that he felt like rigor mortis was setting in, he was beginning to be stiff.  I'm not looking forward to getting out of bed tomorrow.  You'll probably hear us screeching!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lots of limbs. You will be sore tomorrow.
Glad there were no snakes.