Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday Finally Got Here

I was beginning to wonder if it ever would!

Before I get into all the normal stuff, I wanted to mention a special kitty that went to the Rainbow Bridge this week.

His name was Chester and I always thought he might be part Maine Coon Cat, but nobody really knows for sure.  He actually belonged to Froggy's daughter, referred to here as KN#3.  Chester was a good kitty.
This week has been so long.  The jury duty is the main reason.  It wasn't hard, but it was long and tedious.  I spent a lot of time doing nothing, which I absolutely hate.  I don't do well with forced inactivity!  Even if I'd been picked for a jury, I probably would have spent a lot of time doing nothing and being bored.  Just my opinion.
After I got home yesterday, Bill needed to go to Otter's store for a tool (at least it wasn't a power tool!!) and then he wanted to go to Hobby Lobby for something else he needed for a cabinet he's building for a pachinko machine.  I made him go down the yarn aisle with me, since I'd been carting him around and I just thought he should be subjected to it!  I was looking at the reclaimed sari yarn, which I love but will probably never buy.  It's not cheap, but then 100% silk generally isn't.  The skeins are small and it will be impossible to find another one that matches if you don't get all you need at once.  I'm also not really sure how it would crochet.  But I do enjoy looking at it, it is very pretty.  Anyway, there is a point to this rambling story about yarn.  The sari yarn is on the same aisle as the wool yarn.  Which I'm allergic to.  I noticed something:  after I was near the yarn for a few minutes, I started coughing and my eyes started watering.  Big time.  And I had a scratchy throat.  Which all went away after I got away from the wool - and I also realized that I'd had that happen before when I was exposed to wool.  I'm not sure if my wool allergy is changing, worsening, or if it's always been that way and I just never noticed it before?
I posted about Mother's Day already, but I didn't go into details.  I wanted to mention what Otter gave me and the reason why it is probably one of the most special gifts I've ever been given:

I used to have quite a collection of Batman books.  I sold them.  When Otter was needing a new bedspread and wanted to redo her room many years ago, she was still in early elementary school or thereabouts, it was a tight time for us financially and so I sold my collection to be able to get what she needed/wanted for her room.  Many years later, she's discovered Batman (Ok, she didn't have a choice on that!) and I made sure she read this particular book - it's just that good.  Somewhere in there, I told her that I'd had this one before and she wanted to know why I didn't have it anymore so I told her.  It's been out of print for years and is very hard to find and she remembered why I didn't have mine anymore.  It's very scarce now.  But she found a copy.  For me.  For Mother's Day this year.  It really means a great deal to me, she remembered and she made sure I got another one.
The clematis that Bill got me for Mother's Day had a problem, I think I mentioned that it was eaten down to the ground.  It's coming back, which I thought it would.  I'm still thinking that it was the roaming bunny we've seen at times.  I'm thinking that we will need to make some type of "cage" to cover the plant and keep it safe from rogue bunnies!  Bill said he'll see what he can do.  But he first suggested that I just grab a dog or two, leash them up and attach the leash to the fan trellis the clematis is growing at.  But I'm not too sure that would work, after all this is the same two dogs that watched a bunny run right in front of them and not figure it out until it was under the fence and gone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chester was an amazing cat. Every morning he would wake me up and "talk " to me. Mostly he wanted his food. He would also cuddle with me at bedtime. His favorite place to lay was on anything that I was doing, especially if I was quilting.
I miss him like crazy. Froggy